Adjust Polling Nodes Per Feed

Each FDR feed will only be polled with a subset of all LogScale nodes, where FDR polling is enabled. To enable features, see Feature Flags.

This is done to avoid having every node polling every registered feed at the same time, which is not required in most cases.

By default, a feed will only be polled with 5 nodes.

If you want to increase this limit, you can set it to a higher value using the GraphQL mutation below, which increases the number of polling nodes per feed to 10:

mutation {
  setDynamicConfig(input: { config: FdrMaxNodesPerFeed, value: "10" })

In the case that you need to poll every feed with every node, you can set FdrMaxNodesPerFeed to equal the number of polling nodes in your cluster.

Setting the value higher than this is allowed, but will not have any additional effect.

You can look up the currently configured value of FdrMaxNodesPerFeed by running the following GraphQL query:

query {
  dynamicConfig(dynamicConfig: FdrMaxNodesPerFeed)

If you need some feeds to have more or less polling nodes than FdrMaxNodesPerFeed, you can override FdrMaxNodesPerFeed by setting the number of nodes needed for a specific feed.

This can be done with the GraphQL mutation shown below:

mutation {
    input: {
      repositoryName: "REPO_NAME"
      id: "FEED_ID"
      maxNodes: 10
  ) {

Where repositoryName is the name of the repository, and FEED_ID is the identifier of the FDR feed.

To find the number of polling nodes configured for a feed, you can use the following GraphQL query:

query {
  repository(name: "REPO_NAME") {
    fdrFeedControl(id: "FEED_ID") {

In case you need to download multiple files from the same SQS message in parallel, you can use the fileDownloadParallelism setting, which denotes how many files are downloaded on a single node.

If maxNodes is 2 and fileDownloadParallelism is 2, then the total amount of files across the entire cluster downloaded in parallel is 4 (2 * 2), given that there are 2 SQS messages with at least 2 files each.

This setting must be configured on a per-feed basis: if a feed ingests slow because of SQS messages containing too many files, fileDownloadParallelism should be increased.

The default value for the fileDownloadParallelism setting is 1 and can be changed via the default-file-download-parallelism-for-fdr-feed dynamic configuration.

The UpdateFdrFeedControl() GraphQL mutation is used to set such parallelism value and it takes the UpdateLong object, which makes it possible to distinguish between unsetting the value and keeping the current value, for either maxNodes and fileDownloadParallelism.

The example below resets maxNodes to the default and writes 2 to fileDownloadParallelism:

mutation {
    input: {
      repositoryName: "REPO_NAME"
      id: "FEED_ID"
      maxNodes: { value: null }
      fileDownloadParallelism: { value: 2 }
  ) {

The example below keeps the current value of maxNodes and writes 2 to fileDownloadParallelism:

mutation {
    input: {
      repositoryName: "REPO_NAME"
      id: "FEED_ID"
      maxNodes: null
      fileDownloadParallelism: { value: 2 }
  ) {