LogScale uses GraphQL for its main API, particularly for management and administration. GraphQL allows you to specify precisely the data you require and supports single endpoints and references to identify the information and operations required

For interfaces not supported by GraphQL, LogScale uses REST. The Search API, for example, uses REST as this allows for HTTP streaming of the results.

API Version Compatibility.  Updates and changes to the GraphQL API are backwards compatible with previous versions. Changes shouldn't cause existing scripts using the API to fail after an upgrade.

GraphQL can be used within LogScale using the API Explorer, through command-line tools like curl, or scripting tools such as Node, Perl or Python using a suitable HTTP or GraphQL querying tool.

The GraphQL API endpoints are divided into two primary query types that are described in separate manuals:

  • GraphQL Queries

    GraphQL queries access and return information, but do not modify or update any configuration within LogScale.

  • GraphQL Mutations

    Mutations modify configuration, create, or update information within LogScale.

  • GraphQL Datatypes

    Datatypes define the different structures used to define elements when using the GraphQL API. For example, a Repository has a specific structure and set of attributes.

A final manual, GraphQL Datatypes, covers the different structures and datatypes within the GraphQL environment. For example, GraphQL queries and mutations that view or update User profiles use the User structure.