Available:base64Encode() v1.176.0

The base64Encode() function is available from version 1.176.0.

Performs Base64 encoding of a field as UTF-8. This encoding ensures that values containing special characters (for example emojis or @) are converted to a set of known, non-special characters.

To reverse the encoding, use the base64Decode() function:

base64Encode(a, as=a) | base64Decode(field=a, as=a)

This sequence of operations produces an event where field a retains its original value. For more information about the reverse operation, see base64Decode().


The base64Encode() function does not accept a charset parameter, and all input strings are encoded as UTF-8. This behavior differs from base64Decode(), which allows charset specification.

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
asstringoptional[a] _base64Encode Name of the field in which to store the encoded value.
field[b]stringrequired   The field on which to encode Base64 values.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

[b] The parameter name field can be omitted.

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Perform Base64 Encoding of a Field

Perform Base64 encoding of a field using the base64Encode() function