Adding & Removing Fields

You can select which of the fields present in the query results you want to display and which you want to hide to optimize the data visualized.

  1. Run a query as explained in Writing a New Query.

  2. In the Fields Panel click the + or - signs next to each field (see Figure 51, “Fields Panel”):

    • + adds the field to the currently displayed result.

    • - removes the field from the currently displayed result.


By default, LogScale displays fields coming from 200 events at most. You can display more data by clicking Fetch more on top of the Fields Panel on the left.

Another way to add column fields is from the Format Panel — click the brush at the top-right corner above the Event List to expand it:

Expanding the Format Panel

Figure 55. Expanding the Format Panel

The Format Panel stands as a separate area on the right-hand side of the User Interface and shows only the fields added as columns in the Event List:

Format Panel

Figure 56. Format Panel

From here, click + to add a new column in the Event list.

Adding a New Field

Figure 57. Adding a New Field

In the Column properties section of the panel you are prompted to enter the following items.

  • Type can be:

    • Field is the name of the field as it comes from the events.

    • Field as link is used with fields that contain URLs to display clickable links.

    • Custom link creates arbitrary links based on the contents of an event. Instead of just providing a field name, and using its content as the link, you write link templates, and use field interpolation to fill out the template.

      To use field interpolation, write two sets of curly braces (one nested in the other), and write fields ["nameOfField"] inside, like this: https://internal-tool/customers/{{fields["customerId"]}}. This creates a unique link for every value of customerId.

      The same mechanism can also be used to generate the text for the link, if you would like a different text than the raw URL to show as the link.

      Adding a New Custom Link Column

      Figure 58. Adding a New Custom Link Column

  • Header is the custom field name you want to see displayed in the Event List.

  • Open link in new browser tab checkbox.

  • Show as controls whether the link should be displayed as a link or a button.

Click the 🔄 icon in the Fields Panel (Figure 51, “Fields Panel”) to reset and remove any fields recently added and display the default results only.