Send events that produced aggregate results to actions

Security Requirements and Controls
  • Create actions permission


This functionality is only available for Scheduled Searches, Aggregate Alerts, and Legacy Alerts.

The list of events that match an aggregate query can be sent to Actions in cases where it is needed to get some of the events out as a supplement. This is done through query writing, supported for many trigger queries.

Suppose you have a trigger on an error count being too high based on a query like this:

loglevel = ERROR
| count()
| _count > 100

This only produces a single event with the single field _count set to the value of the count of the trigger query.

To visualize just a portion of the counted events, use the tail() function:

loglevel = ERROR
| [count(), tail(5)]
| _count > 100

In the example, the trigger_type query will display an aggregate of the last five individual events.

You may also want to return only some fields in the aggregated result; to do so, add a select() function to your query:

loglevel = ERROR
| [count(), tail(5)]
| _count > 100
| select([class,behindSec,_count])

The example query above then displays class, behindSec, and _count fields instead of the entire individual events.

The same query can be used to group errors by server:

loglevel = ERROR 
| groupBy(server, function=count()) 
| _count > 100

Similar to the previous example, it can be rewritten to get the last five events:

loglevel = ERROR 
| groupBy(server, function=[count(), tail(5)]) 
| _count > 100

To send the counted events as a supplement — say via an Email action — use message templates for the action you are creating.

You may use the message template {field:FIELD_NAME} to get the count and one of the templates that produces all events, like {events_str}, {events} or {events_html} to get the events out.

In the example, configure your Email action with {field:$_count} based on {events_html} to get both the actual count and the events out.