Saving Searches
It is possible to save search results, queries, dashboard widgets and sheduled searches. As it can take some time to construct a search query and if used often, saving searches and different dashboards for reuse is time saving.
In the Results panel, click , and select one of the following options:
Saving Queries for more information.
. You can make a saved query of your search. SeeDashboards & Widgets for more information.
. If your search is visualized as one of the available widgets, you can save that widget for future use. SeeScheduled Searches for more information.
. You can save a scheduled search that will be invoked in a predefined time interval. If there is a result, the scheduled search will trigger its associated actions. SeeTriggers for more information.
. You can save a query as an alert (if the type of search is appropriate). SeeResults panel, to a file locally. See Export Data for more information.
. This option will export the results of the query, all that is shown in the