How to Read the Documentation
Welcome to the LogScale Library!
The LogScale documentation has been designed to offer a combination of different documentation types and styles to learn and use the product. These pages will help you to understand how to use and navigate the documentation:
Basic Page Layout and navigation covers the LogScale documentation and page structures
For information on what the different styles and formatting used within the documentation, see our Understanding Library Markup.
Page Layout
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Figure 1. Page Layout
A typical page within the documentation looks like Figure 1, “Page Layout” and is divided into specific sections:
Top Bar:
On the left we have a logo which will always take you back to the Documentation Homepage
On the right is our interactive search box. This searches the whole documentation and enables you to click directly to the content. The search is context sensitive, it will show matches within the current documentation set (Core + Version). You can view a more detailed list of matching pages across all versions of the documentation by clicking the link. For guidance on searching and terms, see Documentation Search
Left Sidebar:
Other Versions of this page provides a direct link to other manuals for a different version of the product for this page. This allows you to switch and compare differences between the pages.
Table of Contents (TOC) for this manual. Other manuals may also be included for easy access to related features and information.
The TOC for the manual (or other manuals) is navigable. You can click on the arrow next each item to expand and see all of the sub pages within that section. This section will always show the section and location of the current page within the current manual.
Main Content:
Breadcrumbs at the top of the page enable you to identify and navigate through the structure that led to the current page of the documentation.
Main content of the page.
At the bottom of the page, you'll see the date the documentation was last updated, and a button to let us know how you found the documentation.
Right Sidebar
Sections on This Page is the table of contents specific to this page to help you navigate around the page and longer documents.
Children of This Page is the list of other pages that are a child of this page, containing related content to this page.
Similar Content provides links to other pages in the documentation that might be useful or related to this page.
Other articles on this topic provides links to other pages in the documentation that are specifically related to this content
Related FAQs refers to pages with related FAQ content.
Related KBs refers to pages with related Knowledge Base articles.
Related RNs refers to release notes for this area of the product.
Related Exampls refers to related examples that use this feature or functionality.
Availability and Version Information
A section at the bottom of the right sidebar is used to display the areas of the product where the functionality is supported. The display will show one or more of:
A list of deployment environments, for example LogScale Community Edition, Cloud EU, Self-Install, where the functionality displayed on this page is available.
Not Available
A list of deployment environments where the functionality displayed on this page is specifically not supported or available.
Version Support
An indication of the version information for the functionality shown on this page. The page will show:
Available Version — the specific version where this functionality was supported
Deprecated Version — the specific version where this functionality has been marked as deprecated
Removed Version — the specific version where this functionality was removed from the product and is no longer available
There are some exceptions to this content, such as the homepage, which does not have the sidebars, but all other pages follows this structure.
Documentation Structure
Our library is structured into two main sections:
Falcon LogScale Cloud — documentation for Falcon LogScale using a cloud or hosted deployment
Falcon LogScale Self-Hosted — documentation for Falcon LogScale deployed on bare metal, container or cloud (AWS, GCP) based environments
Data Analysis — documentation for querying and searching Falcon LogScale
Integrations — integrations and packages that provide third-party integration with Falcon LogScale
Library Core — this area of the documentation is common and available throughout the library via the sidebar. The core content includes:
Training — training videos and getting started guides for using LogScale
Knowledge Base — articles covering troubleshooting, best practices and How-To guides
Note that you can always switch between versions of the documentation, but the same page may not be available in all versions because it was a new (or deprecated) feature, or because it's specific to the self-hosted or cloud products. For example, the Cloud documentation does not include a guide to installation because we provide you with a ready to use LogScale cluster and you don't need to follow installation instructions.