License Installation

Security Requirements and Controls

Once you've purchased a license for running LogScale self-hosted, you will need to install your license key.

You can install a key either through the Administration page within the user interface, or through an API call. If you're running LogScale in a cluster, you only have to add the key on a single node; it will be automatically propagated to all cluster nodes.

Managing a License

From the account menu in the top right corner of the UI select AdministrationLicense. Paste in the license key. Extra line breaks and white spaces are ignored.

Using the API

Here is an example of updating the license key using CURL:

$ LICENSE_KEY="....."
$ TOKEN=`cat /data/humio-data/local-admin-token.txt`
$ curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d "{ \"query\": \"mutation { updateLicenseKey(license: \\\"$LICENSE_KEY\\\") { expiresAt } }\" }" \

This will return status 200 and the date your license expires.

Updating a License

To update an existing license, update the license using the UI or API with the new licencse key.

Updating a license does not require a restart or reboot.

Expired Licenses

The LogScale user interface will warn you 30 days before the license expires. The license is updated using the updateLicenseKey() GraphQL mutation. No restart is required for replacing/updating the license key.

If the LogScale Operator is used, ensure that the Kubernetes secret containing the license key is also updated otherwise anything that has been added in the UI or Graphql will be overwritten.

If your license runs out, LogScale will continue accepting ingest data while your license is renewed — but the search interval will be restricted.

You can continue to send data, create repositories, dashboards and parsers. However the search interval is limited to 1 hour, alerts and scheduled searches will not run.