Manage users & permissions
Security Requirements and Controls
Change organization permissions
permissionManage users
LogScale's role-based access control (RBAC) model enables authorization of users based on roles with different sets of permissions. LogScale distinguishes between authentication, which establishes the identity of the user, and authorization, which decides what are the actions an authenticated user may perform.
There are four primary areas for which permissions are applicable: the whole LogScale System (cluster), the Organization, the Repository, and the Asset. LogScale distinguishes between Repository (and View) Permissions, and Organization and Cluster Permissions. Different sets of permissions apply to each resource, but permissions are not inherited.
Organization and Cluster Permissions
Organization and cluster permissions are separate from Repository and View permissions. Cluster permissions are only applicable for self-hosted environments.
Organization administration permissions — grants organization level permissions for managing your organization.
Cluster management permissions — grants system level permissions for monitoring and managing clusters.
You need to be either the nominated Organization Owner for your
organization to access and create repository and organization role
types, or alternatively, you must have the
organization permission assigned to you through an organization group
level to create repositories, and the
permission assigned to you directly to manage roles, groups, and users
in the organization.
You need to be the root user for your organization on self-hosted
installations to access and administer system permissions for other
users. Alternatively, you need to have the
Change System Permissions
Repository and View Permissions
Repository and view permissions grant repository level permissions for accessing a selection of repositories and views, or assets that are included in a view.
Repository and view permissions are mainly assigned by groups and roles, but they can be assigned at a more fine-grained level if required, even at the individual asset level and what specific actions may be performed on the asset.
The RBAC model is centered around three concepts: users, groups, and
roles. In LogScale, users are allowed to do specific actions if
one or more needed permissions are assigned to them. Permissions can be
assigned either directly to the user or via a group of which they are a
member. Permissions are generally assigned in sets called
, but asset
permissions can be assigned directly to users and groups. An overview of
the RBAC model is shown in the diagram below.
Figure 61. Repository and View Permissions
In the diagram, users are assigned to groups. Groups are assigned one or more views. And Views are assigned one or more roles that have permissions. A user can belong to multiple groups, such as User Z and User Y. A Group can have multiple views, such as Group 3 which has both View Y and View W. And Views can have one or more roles, such as View W that has both Role E and Role M.
If a user is member of more than one Group that has been assigned a role in a specific repository, the user has the combined permissions from the roles involved. So in the above diagram, User Z is a member of two groups and gets the permissions for both groups. This is in contrast to User A who is only a member of Group 1 and gets only the permissions for that group.
Group 3 has the permissions in Role M assigned twice. The thing to notice here is that role and permissions assignment must be evaluated in the context of a specific View. So the assignment of Role M for View Y allows the user to see the data and assets in View Y, and the assignment of Role M for View Z allows the user to see the data and assets in View Z.
In LogScale, a user is allowed to do specific activities if one or more needed permissions are assigned them. Permissions can be assigned either specifically to the user, or via a Group of which they are a member.
Groups contain Users, which provide access for the users that are members of the group. Groups collect multiple users together into manageable collections with specific permissions provided by Roles, and/or directly assigned Asset Permissions.
Roles define the permissions given to a user or a group of users across a range of access rights.
Permissions are specific to a given resource and there are different sets of permissions that permit different actions for each resource. For example, it is possible to create a Role with the permission to read data stored in a repository, but not have the ability to change triggers or actions within that repository.
Permissions are also not shared, inherited, or transferable to a different resource. A role that provides permissions for managing an organization does not provide the ability to access data. However, that role may have permissions to create a user that could access the data in a repository.
Assets describe some of the objects in LogScale that enable you to get data into or out of LogScale, or to view data. Examples of assets are: triggers, actions, dashboards, files, saved queries, and scheduled reports.
Asset permissions can be granted through a role, or they can be granted to individual users or groups.
Groups are assigned roles in the context of a repository or view, giving all members of the group the permissions contained in the role. A group can have multiple views through which they have permissions from multiple roles. A user action on a repository or view is allowed, or authorized, if the user is a member of a group that has a role containing the needed permission in the context of this repository or view.
At the repository level, roles can be assigned to a user directly, without needing a Group. For information about how to do this, see Manage User Roles.
If you are the one setting up LogScale — either because you have created a new organization on LogScale Cloud and you are the owner, or you are a root user of an self-hosted installation — you will have the permissions required to assign roles to users by default.
Root access is a per-user property and independent of Roles and Groups. See Root Access.
The base security architecture is closely related to the API Token architecture. For more information, see Figure 33, “API Token Architecture in LogScale”.
Asset permissions
You can grant a user permissions to a view or to an individual asset if you want to collaborate on a specific project without needing an administrator to assign permissions.
In order to grant permission to an asset to another user, you must have
permissions that allow you to grant the user permission to that asset.
You can only grant up to the same level of permissions that you have in
that repo. For example, if a user giving permissions is trying to give
permissions to a user who does not have read access on the repo, the
user granting permissions will need
Manage users
permission on
the repo or Change organization permissions
on the organization. If the user receiving
permissions already has read permissions, then the user giving
permissions can only give as much access as they have: if they have
read, they can give read, but if they also have edit, they can give
This functionality is limited to the following asset types:
Saved Queries
Scheduled Reports
Share assets in a view
When you share the view, you share all of the assets in the view as shown in the diagram. User B wants to collaborate with User Y. Because User B has the permissions to be able to share this with User Y, User B can grant view permissions to User Y.
The permissions for "View Data and Assets" are given through the
Data Read Access
If a user or group doesn't have any view permission to a view, you cannot assign direct permissions to that user or group in the view.
Share edit and delete assets
A user can also grant higher level permissions to individual assets. By higher level, this means that the user may be able to grant another user permissions to edit or even delete certain assets. It requires that the granting user has authority to give those permissions. In the diagram below, User A wants to work with User Z on a particular dashboard. Because User A has permission, User A can grant User Z edit permission for the dashboard they will work on. User Z does not get any other permissions that User A has (such as editing files); nor can User A edit other dashboards, only this dashboard, unless User Z has permissions some other way that grant them permissions to edit other dashboards.
Asset permissions on roles
The asset permissions assigned on roles give users with that role the ability to perform the selected activities within the view assigned to the role. This provides a simple way to assign granular permissions to multiple users. For example, you could allow users with a particular role to create and edit dashboards, but not delete them.
Permission Levels
LogScale enables you to choose between different permission levels, or types, each collecting a set of permissions that are valid for a given role. These levels grant a set of permissions to roles and then assign these roles to groups.
While creating a new role, you are prompted to choose one of these levels of permissions permission, thus defining that role as belonging to a given permission level.
When creating a new group, you are also asked to choose a permission level: this way, the group is associated with a specific permission type, which comes with a given set of permissions.
For more information, see the following documentation pages:
Manage Users for information on how to create users.
Manage Groups for information on how to assign users and permissions to groups, set group memberships and synchronize groups.
Manage Roles for information on how to manage roles and assign permissions.
Repository & View Permissions for a list of the different permissions that can be assigned.