Description Whether to use ephemeral disks on all nodes
Valid ValuesfalseDon't use ephemeral disks
 trueUse ephemeral disks

The USING_EPHEMERAL_DISKS option should be set to true for nodes that have bucket storage.

When set to true, data is deleted from Kafka once the data reaches the bucket storage. Otherwise, if false, the data is deleted from Kafka once the data is on a sufficient number of local disk replicas.

While it is not recommended for this variable to be set to false on a long term basis, it is convenient to run with USING_EPHEMERAL_DISKS=false while migrating to bucket storage. This enables you to validate that the bucket storage system performs well, but once the bucket storage has been validated, the variable should be set to true.


The USING_EPHEMERAL_DISKS option should either be set on all nodes in a cluster, or on none of them.
