Parameter Panel Widget

Available: Parameter Panel v1.137.0

This feature is available from LogScale v1.137

The Parameter Panel widget is used for moving parameters out of the top parameter panel and onto the dashboard area.

Parameter Panel Widgets

Figure 160. Parameter Panel Widgets

Creating a Parameter Panel

To create a new Parameter Panel:

  1. Click DashboardsEdit to enter the Editing dashboard mode.

  2. Click +Add newAdd parameter panel: a new Parameter panel widget is added to the dashboard canvas.

  3. Add parameters to the new panel through drag & drop from another parameter panel (including the top panel) or by clicking the +icon within the widget.

  4. Click Apply parameters, this will only apply changes done to the parameters within the panel.

  5. Click Save.

When deleting a Parameter Panel widget, any parameters found are not deleted as they will automatically be moved to the parameters' top panel.

Parameter Panel Properties

While in Editing dashboard mode, click on a Parameter Panel to change its properties:

  • Title

    The title of the parameter panel is displayed on the dashboard if present. A title can be omitted, which will make parameters in the panel occupy this space instead.

  • Description

    The description of the parameter panel. This is free form text supporting markdown syntax. This same description appears in the dashboard as a tooltip when hovering over the question mark on top of the widget.