Enabling & Disabling Feature Flags

Some features are not enabled by default within LogScale and must be switched on.

This can be achieved in two ways:

Using Configuration Settings

You can enable feature flags within the configuration file for LogScale using the INITIAL_FEATURE_FLAGS variable. To enable a feature, you must prefix its name with a + and to disable use -. For example:


Using Mutations

Using a mutation to enable the feature means that the configuration and service do not need to be restarted to gain access to the new feature. It is good practice if you find the feature useful to enable it in the configuration file in addition to the mutation.

To enable a particular feature, you can submit the following request through your chosen API tool or the Accessing GraphQL using API Explorer.

mutation {
  enableFeature(feature: PermissionTokens)

The response will confirm the feature has been enabled:

  "data": {
    "enableFeature": true

Features can be disabled with a different mutation:

mutation {
  disableFeature(feature: PermissionTokens)

Which returns a confirmation that the item has been disabled:

  "data": {
    "disableFeature": true

Using humioctl

Features can be enabled and disabled using humioctl.

To enable a feature, use the feature-flags option. Depending on the feature you may be able to enable the feature globally, for a user, or an entire organization.

For example, to enable PermissionTokens globally:

$ humioctl feature-flags enable --global PermissionTokens

Which returns confirmation:

Enabled feature "PermissionTokens" globally

To disable a feature:

$ humioctl feature-flags disable --global PermissionTokens

Which returns confirmation:

Enabled feature "PermissionTokens" globally