Azure Active Directory

Security Requirements and Controls

Azure Active Directory is Microsoft's enterprise cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) solution. It can be used to access your LogScale repositories. Microsoft365 also uses this interface, for more information see Tag Fields Created by Parser microsoft365.


For Cloud customers, please gather the information on Authentication & Identity Providers, and contact Support, and they can work with you to setup your chosen IdP service.

Integrating Azure AD with LogScale

To integrate Azure AD with LogScale, three main operations are required:

  1. Create Azure application

  2. Set up LogScale IDP configuration

  3. Set up group mapping (optional).

Step 1 — Create Azure application
  1. Sign in to the Azure portal and choose the Azure Active Directory card:

    Azure Active Directory

    Figure 23. Azure Active Directory

  2. Open Groups and click New group: here you create the groups that will be added later in LogScale for synchronization. For example, you can create a logscale_admin group.

    Groups in Azure AD

    Figure 24. Groups in Azure AD

  3. Open Enterprise Applications and click New application:

    Enterprise Applications in Azure AD

    Figure 25. Enterprise Applications in Azure AD

  4. From the Browse Azure AD Gallery page:

    • Click + Create your own application

    • Enter a name for the app, e.g., logscale_idp

    • Choose Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery option

    Create your application in Azure

    Figure 26. Create your application in Azure

  5. Click Create: your application is now added successfully.

Step 2 — Set up LogScale IDP configuration
  1. In the new application page, click Single sign on and then choose SAML as your single sign-on method:

    Select SAML single sign-on

    Figure 27. Select SAML single sign-on

  2. In the Basic SAML Configuration window:

    • Set Identifier (Entity ID) to $YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL/api/v1/saml/metadata

    • Set Reply URL to $YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL/api/v1/saml/acs

    • Set Sign on URL if you want to perform identity provider-initiated single sign-on.

    • PopulateRelay State with an integration URL to instruct the application where to redirect users after authentication e.g. the URL to a specific location within the application.

    Basic SAML Configuration settings

    Figure 28. Basic SAML Configuration settings

  3. In the SAML-based Sign-on page of your newly created application, copy Login URL, Azure ID Identifier and the text of the Certificate (Base 64) and note them down, as you will need to copy them later in LogScale.

    SAML-based Sign-on information

    Figure 29. SAML-based Sign-on information

Step 3 — Set up group mapping (optional)
  1. Click + Add a group claim and select which groups you want to be associated with the users e.g., Security Groups:

    Add a group claim

    Figure 30. Add a group claim

    From this same page:

    • Click the first claim Unique User Identifier to assign users to LogScale on the IDP side.

    • Copy and note down the claim as you will need it later to synchronize your group in LogScale.

  2. In the Manage claim window, ensure that Name identifier format and Source are set as in figure below:

    Manage claim

    Figure 31. Manage claim

  3. Still in the Manage claim window, click under Scoped Groups to select the new group and assign user type (e.g. Members, Admin) and user.mail as the value:

    Add user types to group

    Figure 32. Add user types to group

Configuring LogScale to use Azure AD

You finished configuring Azure AD to work with LogScale. Next step is having LogScale configured to work with Azure AD: for that, you need to contact Support and submit a ticket, and they will take care of this configuration for you.

See also Configure LogScale SAML for Cloud for more information on what you need to supply to Support.

Group Synchronization

After LogScale has been configured to use Azure AD (see previous section), you need to align the Azure AD groups' Object ID in LogScale.

  1. Go back to Azure AD and from your group's page, copy the Object ID:

    Copy Object ID from Azure AD

    Figure 33. Copy Object ID from Azure AD

  2. In LogScale, first create the group manually (provide a name that is similar to the group name set in Azure AD) and then paste the Object ID into the Mapping Name field, under the External provider tab:

    Mapping Name

    Figure 34. Mapping Name

Refer to Azure portal for more information on SAML 2.0 integration.

To use SAML with LogScale Cloud, go to the Authentication & Identity Providers documentation page.

See the Azure Active Directory Documentation for more information on Azure AD.