Manage Roles

Security Requirements and Controls

All roles available and the permissions granted via the roles are displayed in the User Interface in the Roles page.

Depending on the permission level chosen, you can assign different permissions for any new role you create. For example, you can create an Organization management role type and name it, say, "Operations", which grants permissions such as the capability to view all internal notifications, or to manage other users.

LogScale comes with a predefined set of roles — Reader, Admin, Member and Deleter. All of these roles (except Reader) may be customized to your specific needs. Keep in mind that it is generally a good idea to grant as few permissions as possible and to add more as needed.


You need to be an Organization Owner on Cloud or a root user on self-hosted installations to have access to the Roles page and assign roles to users. Or you need to have the Change user access permission:

Change User Access

Figure 69. Change User Access

See the full list of available permissions along with descriptions of their usage at Repository & View Permissions.

To add new roles or customize existing roles:

  1. Click on the user menu icon and select Organization SettingsRoles.


    Figure 70. Roles

  2. Click + Add to create a new role; enter a name for the new role such as "Operations", and select a Permission level for the role, for example, Organization management.

    Add Roles

    Figure 71. Add Roles

  3. Set the permissions for the role. For example, if you wish to create a strictly read-only role, select the Data read access checkbox and nothing else, then click Create role:

    Assign Permissions to Roles

    Figure 72. Assign Permissions to Roles

    User asset permissions allow users with this role to create, edit, and delete the asset types selected. Asset permissions can only be added to a role if the role has Data Read Access; otherwise they are not available.

    The new role can now be assigned to groups via the Groups page of the User Interface, where you are prompted to configure the permission levels for a group — see Figure 59, “New Group Created”.

  4. To customize an existing role and change its permissions, or to remove it, select the role and click Edit role or Delete role:

    Customize Roles

    Figure 73. Customize or Remove Roles

Aggregate Permissions

When you have defined more than one role under a Repository and View, Organization, or Cluster, you can get a combined view of the available permissions for all roles — all permissions in a specific repository, for example. This gives you an overview if you want to know exactly which permissions you have.

  1. Click on the user menu icon and select Organization SettingsUsers.

  2. Select one of the users that have multiple roles assigned and click on a repository.

  3. Click Show aggregate permissions in the Permissions panel.

    Aggregate permissions

    Figure 74. Aggregate permissions

You can always select a single role instead to see only the permissions for that role.