Manage users & permissions

Security Requirements and Controls

LogScale's role-based access control (RBAC) model enables authorization of users based on roles with different sets of permissions. LogScale distinguishes between authentication, which establishes the identity of the user, and authorization, which decides what are the actions an authenticated user may perform.

Access Control Concepts

The RBAC model is centered around three concepts: users, groups, and roles. An overview of the RBAC model is shown in the diagram below.

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%% graph LR; subgraph Group u1[User] u2[User] u3[User] end subgraph Role RA[Admin] RU[User] RQ[Query] end subgraph Permissions P1[Permission] P2[Permission] P3[Permission] end subgraph Resource RR[Repository] RO[Organization] RC[Cluster] end Group <--> Role Role --> Permissions RA --> RO RU --> RR

Figure 46. Authorization Concepts

The base security architecture is closely related to the API Token architecture. For more information, see Figure 22, “API Token Architecture in LogScale”.

  • Users

    In LogScale, a user is allowed to do specific actions if one or more needed permissions are assigned them. Permissions can be assigned either specifically to the user, or via a Group of which they are a member.

  • Groups

    Groups contain Users, which provide access for a single user. Groups collect multiple users together into manageable collections with specific permissions provided by Roles.

  • Roles

    Roles define the permissions given to a user or a group of users across a range of access rights.

  • Resources

    Resources cover the different areas of the system. There are three primary resources, the whole LogScale System, the Organization and the Repository. Different sets of permissions apply to each resource, but permissions are not inherited.

  • Permissions

    Permissions are specific to a given resource and there are different sets of permissions that provide permit different actions in each resource. For example, it is possible to create a Role with the permission to read data stored in a repository, but not have the ability to change triggers or actions within that repository.

    Permissions are also not shared, inherited, or transferable to a different resource. A role that provides permissions for managing an organization does not provide the ability to access data. However, that role may have permissions to create a user that could access the data in a repository.

Groups are assigned roles in the context of a repository, giving all members of the group the permissions contained in the role. A user action on a repository is allowed, or authorized, if the user is a member of a group that has a role containing the needed permission.

At repository level, roles can be assigned to a user directly, without needing a Group.

If a user is member of more than one Group that has been assigned a role in a specific repository, the user has the combined permissions from the roles involved. So in the above diagram, Tom is both a member of Support UK and Devs DK which makes him an Admin and a Searcher in the Web Log repository.

In LogScale, users are allowed to do specific actions if one or more needed permissions are assigned to them. Permissions can be assigned either directly to the user or via a group of which they are a member. Permissions are always assigned in sets called Roles.

If you're the one setting up LogScale — either because you have created a new organization on LogScale Cloud and you are the owner, or you are a root user of an on-premise installation — you will by default have the permissions required to assign roles to users.

For more information, see the following documentation pages:

Permission Levels for information on the different permission levels available.

Manage Users for information on how to create users.

Manage Groups for information on how to assign users and permissions to groups, set group memberships and synchronize groups.

Manage Roles for information on how to manage roles and assign permissions.

Repository & View Permissions for a list of the different permissions that can be assigned.