LogCollectorDetails is a datatype for details about a Log Collector.

Table: LogCollectorDetails

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 26, 2024
configurations[LogCollectorConfigInfo]yes The log collector configurations. See LogCollectorConfigInfo.
cpuAverage5Minfloat  The CPU average for a five minute period.
diskMax5Minfloat  The disk maximum for a five minute period.
ephemeralTimeoutinteger  The ephemeral timeout in milliseconds.
errors[string]yes The errors.
hostnamestringyes The hostname.
idstringyes The unique identifier of the collector, if enrolled.
ipAddressstring  The IP address.
lastActivitystringyes The last activity recorded.
logSourcesLogCollectorLogSourceyes The log collector's log source. See LogCollectorLogSource.
machineIdstringyes The log collector's machine ID.
memoryMax5Minlong  The maximum memory useage for a five minute period.
statusLogCollectorStatusType  The status of the log collector. See LogCollectorStatusType.
systemstringyes The host system.
versionstringyes The version.