OrganizationAction is an enumerated list of actions a user may perform on an organization.

Table: OrganizationAction

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 16, 2024
AddFederatedViewbooleanyes Add a Federated View.
AdministerPermissionsbooleanyes Whether user may administer user permissions for the organization.
AdministerTokensbooleanyes Whether administer tokens for the organizaiton.
BlockQueriesbooleanyes Whether an organizaiton's queries are blocked.
ChangeEventForwardersbooleanyes Whether to allow changing of event forwarders.
ChangeExternalFunctionsbooleanyes Whether to allow changing of external functions.
ChangeFleetManagementbooleanyes Whether permit changes to Fleet management.
ChangeOrganizationSettingsbooleanyes Whether user may change an organization's settings.
ChangeReadOnlyDashboardFilterbooleanyes Whether user may change any of the organization's read-only dashboard filters.
ChangeSecurityPoliciesbooleanyes Whether user may make changes to security policies.
ChangeSessionsbooleanyes Whether user may make changes to an organization's sessions.
ChangeTriggersToRunAsOtherUsersbooleanyes Whether a user may change triggers to run as other users.
ConfigureIdpbooleanyes Whether user may configure identity provider settings.
ConfigureIPFiltersbooleanyes Whether user may configure IP filters.
CreateRepositorybooleanyes Whether user may create repositories in the organization's account.
CreateTrialRepositorybooleanyes Whether user may create a trial repository.
CreateUserbooleanyes Whether user may create other users in the organization.
CreateViewbooleanyes Whether users may create views.
DeleteRepositoryOrViewbooleanyes Whether users may delete repositories or views.
DownloadMacOsInstallerbooleanyes Whether users may download MacOS installer.
ManageSchemasbooleanyes Whether a user may manage schemas.
ManageUsersbooleanyes Whether a user may manage users.
QueryAssistantbooleanyes Whether users may user the query assistant.
SecurityPoliciesEnabledbooleanyes Whether security policies are enabled.
UseCustomEmailTemplatebooleanyes Whether to use a custom email template.
UseFleetEphemeralHostsbooleanyes Whether to use Fleet Management ephemeral hosts.
UseFleetLabelsbooleanyes Whether to use Fleet Management labels.
UseFleetRemoteDebugbooleanyes Whether to allow remote debugging for Fleet Management.
UseFleetStaticQueriesbooleanyes Whether to allow Fleet Management static queries.
UsePersonalTokenbooleanyes Whether to allow the use of personal tokens.
UseRemoteUpdatesbooleanyes Whether to allow remote updates.
ViewDeletedRepositoriesOrViewsbooleanyes Whether to display or return deleted repositories and views.
ViewEventForwardersbooleanyes Whether to allow viewing of event forwarders.
ViewFalconDataConnectorUrlbooleanyes Whether users may view Falcon Data Connector URL.
ViewFleetManagementbooleanyes Whether users may view the Fleet Management.
ViewIdpbooleanyes Whether user may view identity provider settings.
ViewIpFiltersbooleanyes Whether users may view IP filters in use.
ViewLoginBridgebooleanyes Whether users may view the Login Bridge.
ViewOrganizationSettingsbooleanyes Whether users may view the organization's settings.
ViewOrganizationTokensbooleanyes Whether users may view the organization's tokens.
ViewPermissionsbooleanyes Whether users may view permissions.
ViewRunningQueriesbooleanyes Whether users may view running queries.
ViewSchemasbooleanyes Whether user may view schemas.
ViewSecurityPoliciesbooleanyes Whether user may view the organization's security policies.
ViewSessionSettingsbooleanyes Whether user may view session settings.
ViewUsagebooleanyes Whether user may view usage of an organization.
ViewUsersbooleanyes Whether user may view the list of users in the organization.