The testParser() GraphQL mutation is used to test a parser on some test events in LogScale. If the parser fails to run, an error is returned. Otherwise, a list of results, one for each test event, is returned.

This is deprecated and will be removed in version 1.142. Use instead testParserV2().

For more information on parsers, see the Parsing Data documentation page.


Below is the syntax for the testParser() mutation field:

     input: TestParserInputV2!
   ): TestParserResultV2!

Given Datatypes

For the given datatype, TestParserInputV2, there are several parameters that may be given. Below is a list of them along with their datatypes and a description of each:

Table: TestParserInputV2

parserIdstringyes The unique identifier of the parser.
parserNamestringyes The name of the parser.
parserScriptstringyes The parser script to be tested.
repositoryNamestringyes The name of the repository in which the parser is located.
testData[string]yes The events on which to test the parser.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.

Returned Datatypes

The returned datatype, TestParserResultV2 is a union between two other datatypes: TestParserSuccessResultV2 and TestParserErrorResult. The parameters for those are listed in the tables below:

Table: TestParserSuccessResultV2

results[ParseEventResult]yes The results of parsing test events. See ParseEventResult.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.

Table: TestParserErrorResult

errorMessagestringyes An error message while running a parser. No events were parsed.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.