ViewPermissionsToken is a datatype for a view permissions token. The token allows the caller to work with the same set of view-level permissions across multiple views.

Table: ViewPermissionsToken

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Oct 7, 2024
createdAtlongyes The date the token was created.
expireAtlong  The time at which the token expires.
idstringyes The unique identifier of the token.
ipFilterstring  The IP filter on the token.
ipFilterV2ipFilterV2  The IP filter on the token. See IPFilter.
namestringyes The name of the token.
permissions[string]yes The set of permissions on the token.
views[SearchDomain]yes The set of views on the token — only those that user has access. See SearchDomain.