UserSettings is a datatype for user settings.

Table: UserSettings

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Oct 4, 2024
defaultTimeZonestring  Default timezone preference for user. If not set, the default timezone is no longer taken from the organization.
featureAnnouncementsToShow[FeatureAnnouncement]yes List of feature announcements to show. See FeatureAnnouncement. This is a preview and subject to change.
isAutomaticHighlightingEnabledbooleanyes Whether automatic highlighting on the search page is enabled. This is a preview and subject to change.
isAutomaticSearchEnabledbooleanyes Whether the automatic search been enabled.
isCommunityMessageDismissedbooleanyes Whether the community message has been dismissed.
isDarkModeMessageDismissedbooleanyes Whether the dark-mode message has been dismissed.
isEventListOrderedWithNewestAtBottombooleanyes Whether there is an event list, ordered with newest last.
isFieldPanelOpenByDefaultbooleanyes Whether the field panel is open by default.
isGettingStartedMessageDismissedbooleanyes Whether the 'Getting Started' message has been dismissed.
isPackageDocsMessageDismissedbooleanyes Whether the package documentation message has been dismissed.
isQuickStartCompletedbooleanyes Whether the quick start has been completed.
isResizableQueryFieldMessageDismissedbooleanyes Whether the resizable query field message has been dismissed. This has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.136.
isWelcomeMessageDismissedbooleanyes Whether the welcome message has been dismissed.
starredAlerts[string]yes List of alerts that have been marked with a star.
starredDashboards[string]yes List of dashboards that have been marked with a star.
starredSearchDomains[string]yes List of searchdomains that have been marked with a star.
uiThemeUiThemeyes The user interface theme choice. See UiTheme.