The ClusterNode datatype includes various settings.

Table: ClusterNode

idintegeryes The unique identifier of the cluster node.
namestringyes The name of the cluster node.
zonestring  text
uristringyes The URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the cluster node.
uuidstringyes The UUID (Universally Unique 128-bit Identifier) of the cluster node.
humioVersionstringyes The version of LogScale used by the cluster node.
supportedTasks[NodeTaskEnum]yes The datatype for this is an enumerated list of values: storage, digest, or query.
assignedTasks[NodeTaskEnum]yes The datatype for this is an array of enumerated list of values: storage, digest, or query.
consideredAliveUntildatetimeyes The date and time, in the ISO-8601 instant format (e.g., 2022-12-03T10:15:30.00Z), for when the node is to be considered alive or active.
targetDiskUsagePercentageinteger  text
clusterInfoAgeSecondsfloatyes text
inboundSegmentSizefloatyes The size in gigabytes of data this node needs to receive.
outboundSegmentSizefloatyes The size in gigabytes of data this node has that others need.
canBeSafelyUnregisteredbooleanyes Whether the node can be safely unregistered.
currentSizefloatyes The size in gigabytes of data currently on this node.
primarySizefloatyes The size in gigabytes of the data currently on this node that are in the primary storage location.
secondarySizefloatyes The size in gigabytes of the data currently on this node that are in the secondary storage location. Zero (i.e., 0) if no secondary is configured.
totalSizeOfPrimaryfloatyes The total size in gigabytes of the primary storage location on this node.
totalSizeOfSecondaryfloatyes The total size in gigabytes of the secondary storage location on this node. Zero if no secondary is configured.
freeOnPrimaryfloatyes The size in gigabytes of the free space on this node of the primary storage location.
freeOnSecondaryfloatyes The size in gigabytes of the free space on this node of the secondary storage location. Zero if no secondary is configured.
wipSizefloatyes The size in gigabytes of work-in-progress data files.
targetSizefloatyes The size in gigabytes of data once the node has received the data allocated to it.
solitarySegmentSizefloatyes The size in gigabytes of data that only exists on this node - i.e. only one replica exists in the cluster.
isAvailablebooleanyes Whether the node is considered up or down by the cluster coordinated. This is based on the lastHeartbeat field.
lastHeartbeatdatetimeyes The last time, in the ISO-8601 instant format (e.g., 2022-12-03T10:15:30.00Z), a heartbeat was received from the node.
timeSinceLastHeartbeatlongyes The time since a heartbeat was received from the node.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.