The cluster() GraphQL query is used to retrieve information about a cluster.

For information on clusters, see the Cluster Management documentation page. You may also want to look at the LogScale Logical Architecture page in the Training section.


Below is the syntax for the cluster() query field:

cluster: Cluster!

Given Datatypes

For the given datatype, cluster(), there are several parameters that may be given. Below is a list of them along with their datatypes and a description of each:

Table: Cluster

nodes[ClusterNode]yes The nodes of the cluster (see ClusterNode Table).
clusterManagementSettingsClusterManagementSettings  The settings for the LogScale cluster (see ClusterManagementSettings Table). Table
clusterInfoAgeSecondsfloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
underReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
overReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
missingSegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
properlyReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
inBucketStorageSegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
pendingBucketStorageSegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
pendingBucketStorageRiskySegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
targetUnderReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
targetOverReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
targetMissingSegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
targetProperlyReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
ingestPartitions[IngestPartition]yes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon. See IngestPartition Table.
ingestPartitionsWarningsstringyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
suggestedIngestPartitions[IngestPartition]yes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon. See IngestPartition Table.
storagePartitions[StoragePartition]yes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon. See StoragePartition Table.
storagePartitionsWarningsstringyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
suggestedStoragePartitions[StoragePartition]yes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon. See StoragePartition Table).
storageReplicationFactorinteger  Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
digestReplicationFactorinteger  Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
statsClusterStatsyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon. See ClusterStats Table.
defaultCachePolicyCachePolicyyes The default cache policy of this cluster. They are a limited feature and is subject to change (see CachePolicy Table).

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.