API Stability Preview

The runInconsistencyCheck() GraphQL mutation is used to manually start the organization inconsistency job. This job will check for inconsistencies like orphaned entities, references to non-existent entities. The job can be run in a dry-run mode to log only what would have happened.


Below is the syntax for the runInconsistencyCheck() mutation field:

       input: RunInconsistencyCheckInput!
    ): string!

If dryRun is set to true, any inconsistencies found will be logged with no further action taken. If set to false, any inconsistencies will be patched automatically.

Below is an example of how this mutation field might be used:

mutation {
     { dryRun: false }
Example Responses
  "data": {
    "runInconsistencyCheck": "jobId=cpjeqm63"

Given Data Types

For RunInconsistencyCheckInput, there is one parameter that may be given. However, that one parameter has several parameters of its own. A link to that table is in the description field here.

Table: RunInconsistencyCheckInput

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 19, 2024
dryRunstringyes  If set to true, any inconsistencies found will be logged and no further action taken. If false, inconsistencies will be patched automatically.