The updateIngestListenerV3() GraphQL mutation is used to update an ingest listener in LogScale.

For more information on ingest listeners, see the Ingest Listeners documentation page. You may also want to look at the Ingesting Data page for related information.


Below is the syntax for the updateIngestListenerV3() mutation field:

      input: UpdateIngestListenerV3Input!
   ): IngestListener!

Given Datatypes

For the given datatype, UpdateIngestListenerV3Input, there are several parameters that may be given. Below is a list of them along with their datatypes and a description of each:

Table: UpdateIngestListenerV3Input

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 23, 2024
bindInterfacestringyes The IP address on which the ingest listener will bind.
charsetstringyes The character set used to decode the event stream.
idstringyes The unique identifier of the ingest listener.
Parserstringyes The unique identifier or name of the parser to assign to the ingest listener. Parsers in packages can be referred to as packagescope/packagename:parsername.
portintegeryes The port on which the ingest listener will listen.
protocolIngestListenerProtocolyes The kind of listener. See IngestListenerProtocol.
namestringyes The name of the ingest listener.
repositoryNamestringyes The name of the repository.
vHostinteger  The vHost name for the ingest listener.

Returned Datatypes

The returned datatype IngestListener has its own parameters. Below is a list of them along with their datatypes and a description of each:

Table: IngestListener

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 25, 2024
bindInterfacestringyes The ip address this listener will bind to. By default (leaving this field empty) it will bind to - all interfaces. Using this field it is also possible to specify the address to bind to. In a cluster setup it is also possible to specify if only one machine should open a socket - The vhost field is used for that.
charsetstringyes The character set used to decode the event stream. Available character sets depend on the JVM running the LogScale instance. Names and aliases can be found at
idstringyes The unique identifier for the ingest listener.
namestringyes The name of the ingest listener.
ParserParseryes The parser configured to parse data for the listener. It returns null if the parser has been removed since the listener was created. See Parser.
portintegeryes The TCP/UDP port on which to listen.
protocolIngestListenerProtocolyes The network protocol data is sent through. See IngestListenerProtocol.
RepositoryRepositoryyes The repository associated with the ingest listener. See Repository.
vHostinteger  Specify which host should open the socket. By default this field is empty and all hosts will open a socket. This field can be used to select only one host to open the socket.