ClusterManagementSettings is a datatype for settings for a LogScale cluster.

Table: ClusterManagementSettings

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 24, 2024
allowRebalanceExistingSegmentsbooleanyes  Whether the cluster should allow the moving of existing segments between nodes. This is done generally to achieve a better data distribution.
allowUpdateDesiredDigestersbooleanyes  Whether or not desired digesters are allowed to be updated automatically.
digestReplicationFactorlongyes  The replication factor for the digesters.
minHostAlivePercentageToEnableClusterRebalancinglongyes  Percentage of all hosts relevant to a particular cluster rebalance operation that need to be alive before we allow the system to automatically execute the operation. Cluster rebalance operations currently include reassigning digest work, and moving existing segments to balance disk usage. Value is between 0 and 100, both inclusive.
segmentReplicationFactorlongyes  The replication factor for segments.