The PackageRegistrySearchResultItem datatype includes various settings.

Table: PackageRegistrySearchResultItem

idVersionedPackageSpecifieryes The unique identifier of the package that matches the search of the package registry.
descriptionstring  The description of the package that matches the search.
iconUrlUrlOrData  The URL to the icon for the package that matches the search.
typePackageTypeyes The type of package: application, or library. It takes an enumerated list of values: application, or library.
installedVersionVersionedPackageSpecifieryes The version of the package installed.
isLatestVersionSupportedbooleanyes Whether the latest version is supported.
minHumioVersionOfLatestSemanticVersionyes The minimum LogScale version of the latest package.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.