The UpdateOidcConfigurationInput input includes various settings.

Table: UpdateOidcConfigurationInput

idstringyes The unique identifier for the OpenId Connect (OIDC) configurtion to update.
namestringyes The name of the OIDC identify provider.
clientIdstringyes The unique identifier for the client.
clientSecretstringyes The client's password or passphrase for the identity provider.
domains[string]yes The domains associated with the OIDC configuration.
issuerstringyes The issuer of the OIDC.
tokenEndpointAuthMethodstringyes The authentication method used to authenticate LogScale against the token endpoint. Can either be client_secret_basic or client_secret_post for placing the client id and secret in either basic auth or post data, respectively. Defaults to client_secret_basic, or client_secret_post if client_secret_basic is not supported as per the discovery endpoint.
userClaimstringyes The name of the claim to interpret as username in LogScale. The value in the claim must be a string. Defaults to humio-user. Can be set to email if using emails as usernames.
scopes[string]yes Comma-separated list of scopes to add in addition to the default requested scopes (openid, email, and profile).
userInfoEndpointstring  A URL to the user info endpoint used to retrieve user information from an access token.
registrationEndpointstring  To use OIDC as a client, PUBLIC_URL must be set, LogScale must be registered as a client with your OpenID provider, and the provider must allow %PUBLIC_URL%/auth/oidc as a valid redirect endpoint for the client.
tokenEndpointstring  A URL to the token endpoint used to exchange a authentication code to an access token. Required for clients.
groupsClaimstring  The name of the claim to interpret as the groups in LogScale. The value in the claim must be an array of strings. Optional. Defaults to humio-groups.
jwksEndpointstring  A URL to the JWKS endpoint for retrieving keys for validating tokens. Required.
authenticationMethodAuthenticationMethodAuthyes The authentication method used. See AuthenticationMethodAuth Table.
authorizationEndpointstring  A URL to the endpoint a user should be redirected to when authorizing. Required for clients.
enableDebugbooleanyes Whether to enable debugging.
defaultIdpstringyes The default identity provider.
humioOwnedstringyes Whether authentication is managed by LogScale.
lazyCreateUsersbooleanyes Whether to wait to create users until necessary.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.