FeatureAnnouncement is an enumerated list of feature announcements.

Table: FeatureAnnouncement

AggregateAlertOverviewboolean  Whether the feature announcement is an aggregate alert overview .
AggregateAlertSearchPageboolean  Whether the feature announcement is an aggregate alert search page.
FetchMoreOnFieldsPanelboolean  Whether the feature announcement is a request to fetch more on fields panel.
FieldInteractionsboolean  Whether the feature announcement are field interactions.
FilterMatchHighlightingboolean  Whether the feature announcement is a filter matching highlighting.
FleetRemoteUpdatesAndGroupsboolean  Whether the feature announcement is related to Fleet remote updates and groups.
Interactionsboolean  Whether the feature announcement has to do with interactions.
OrganizationOwnedQueriesboolean  Whether the feature announcement has to do with an organization's owned queries.
PuffinRebrandingboolean  Whether the feature announcement is a Puffin rebranding.
ToolPanelboolean  Whether the feature announcement is related to a Tool Panel item.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.