The dynamicConfig() GraphQL query returns the current value for the dynamic configuration.

For more information on configuring all aspects of LogScale, see the Configuration Settings reference section.


Below is the syntax for the dynamicConfig() query field:

     dynamicConfig: DynamicConfig!
   ): string!

This query is fairly versatile. Below is an example calling for information on the currentUser, similar to using currentUser() .

   dynamicConfig:currentUser {
Mac OS or Linux (curl)
curl -v -X POST $YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL/graphql \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d @- << EOF
{"query" : "query{
   dynamicConfig:currentUser {
Mac OS or Linux (curl) One-line
curl -v -X POST $YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL/graphql \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d @- << EOF
{"query" : "query{
   dynamicConfig:currentUser {
Windows Cmd and curl
curl -v -X POST $YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL/graphql ^
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" ^
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
    -d @'{"query" : "query{ ^
   dynamicConfig:currentUser { ^
     id ^
     firstName ^
     isOrgRoot ^
   } ^
}" ^
} '
Windows Powershell and curl
curl.exe -X POST 
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    -d '{"query" : "query{
   dynamicConfig:currentUser {

use HTTP::Request;
use LWP;


my $uri = '$YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL/graphql';

my $json = '{"query" : "query{
   dynamicConfig:currentUser {
my $req = HTTP::Request->new("POST", $uri );

$req->header("Authorization" => "Bearer $TOKEN");
$req->header("Content-Type" => "application/json");

$req->content( $json );

my $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new;

my $result = $lwp->request( $req );

print $result->{"_content"},"\n";
#! /usr/local/bin/python3

import requests

url = '$YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL/graphql'
mydata = r'''{"query" : "query{
   dynamicConfig:currentUser {

resp =,
                     data = mydata,
                     headers = {
   "Authorization" : "Bearer $TOKEN",
   "Content-Type" : "application/json"

const https = require('https');

const data = JSON.stringify(
    {"query" : "query{
   dynamicConfig:currentUser {

const options = {
  hostname: '$YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL/graphql',
  path: '/graphql',
  port: 443,
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Content-Length': data.length,
    Authorization: 'BEARER ' + process.env.TOKEN,
    'User-Agent': 'Node',

const req = https.request(options, (res) => {
  let data = '';
  console.log(`statusCode: ${res.statusCode}`);

  res.on('data', (d) => {
    data += d;
  res.on('end', () => {

req.on('error', (error) => {

Example Responses
Success (HTTP Response Code 200 OK)
  "data": {
    "dynamicConfig": { 
      "id": "jSl8Iz25SLwiEUzXBE6YDetG",
      "firstName": "Bob",
      "isOrgRoot": true

Per the requested fields in the return datatype, the example above returned the current user's unique identifier, first name and answered the question as to whether they're a root user.

Given Datatypes

For the given datatype, dynamicConfig(), there are several parameters that may be given. Below is a list of them along with their datatypes and a description of each:

Table: DynamicConfig

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Nov 12, 2024
AdHocTablesLimitbooleanyes  Whether an adhoc tables limit is used.
AstDepthLimitbooleanyes  Whether there is an abstract syntax tree depth limit. This option will be eliminated in version 1.164 of LogScale.
BlockSignupbooleanyes  Whether to block sign up.
BucketStorageKeySchemeVersionbooleanyes  Whether bucket storage key scheme version is used.
BucketStorageUploadInfrequentThresholdDaysbooleanyes  Whether bucket storage upload infrequent threshold days setting is used.
BucketStorageWriteVersionbooleanyes  Whether bucket storage is a write version.
DebugAuditRequestTracebooleanyes  Whether debugging audit request tracing is used.
DelayIngestResponseDueToIngestLagMaxFactorbooleanyes  Whether to delay ingest response due to ingest lag maximum factor.
DelayIngestResponseDueToIngestLagScalebooleanyes  Whether to delay ingest response due to ingest lag scale.
DelayIngestResponseDueToIngestLagThresholdbooleanyes  Whether to delay ingest response due to ingest threshold.
DeleteDuplicatedNameViewsAfterMergingbooleanyes  Should duplicated name views be deleted after merging.
DisableAnalyticsJobbooleanyes  Whether to disable analytic jobs.
DisableInconsistencyDetectionJobbooleanyes  Should inconsistency detection jobs be disabled.
DisableUserTrackingbooleanyes  Whether to disable user tracking.
DisableViewWithSameNameCleanupbooleanyes  Whether to disable view with the same name during clean-up.
EnableDemoDatabooleanyes  Whether to enable demo data.
ExternalFunctionRequestResponseEventCountLimitbooleanyes  Whether external function request response event count limits is used.
ExternalFunctionRequestResponseSizeLimitBytesbooleanyes  Whether external function request response size limits in bytes is used.
FdrMaxNodesPerFeedbooleanyes  Whether to use the FDR maximum nodes per feed limit.
FdrS3FileSizeMaxbooleanyes  Whether the maximum Federated S3 file size is used.
FileReplicationFactorbooleanyes  Whether to file replication factor is allowed.
FlushSegmentsAndGlobalOnShutdownbooleanyes  Whether to flush segments and global on shutdown.
GracePeriodBeforeDeletingDeadEphemeralHostsMsbooleanyes  Whether to a grace period in milliseconds before deleting dead ephemeral hosts is employed.
GraphQLSelectionSizeLimitbooleanyes  Whether to use the GraphQL selection size limit.
GroupDefaultLimitbooleanyes  Whether to use the group default limit.
GroupMaxLimitbooleanyes  Whether to use the group max limit.
IngestFeedAwsDownloadMaxObjectSizebooleanyes  Whether the AWS ingest feed download max object size is set and used.
IngestFeedAwsProcessingDownloadBufferSizebooleanyes  Whether the AWS ingest feed processing download buffer size is set and used.
IngestFeedAwsProcessingEventBufferSizebooleanyes  Whether the AWS ingest feed processing event buffer size is set and used.
IngestFeedAwsProcessingEventsPerBatchbooleanyes  Whether the AWS ingest feed processing event per batch is set and used.
IngestFeedGovernorCycleDurationbooleanyes  Whether the ingest feed governor cycle duration is set and used.
IngestFeedGovernorGainPerCorebooleanyes  Whether the ingest feed governor gain per core is set and used.
IngestFeedGovernorIngestDelayHighbooleanyes  Whether the ingest feed governor ingest high delay is set and used.
IngestFeedGovernorIngestDelayLowbooleanyes  Whether the ingest feed governor ingest low delay is set and used.
IngestFeedGovernorRateOverridebooleanyes  Whether the ingest feed governor rate is overridden.
IngestFeedMaxConcurrentPollsbooleanyes  Whether the ingest feed maximum of the concurrent polls has been met.
IsAutomaticUpdateCheckingAllowedbooleanyes  Is automatically updated checking allowed.
JoinDefaultLimitbooleanyes  Whether the join default limit is set and used
JoinRowLimitbooleanyes  Whether to limit the number of rows joined.
LiveQueryMemoryLimitbooleanyes  Whether to enforce a live query memory limit.
LookupTableSyncAwaitSecondsbooleanyes  Lookup table synchronization await seconds is used.
MatchFilesMaxHeapFractionbooleanyes  Whether file matching maximum heap fraction is used.
MaxAccessTokenTTLbooleanyes  Whether to use the maximum access token expiration.
MaxConcurrentQueriesOnWorkerbooleanyes  The maximum concurrent queries on worker.
maxCsvFileUploadSizeBytesbooleanyes  Restrict to the maximum CSV File upload size bytes.
MaxIngestRequestSizebooleanyes  Is the maximum ingest request size set and used.
maxJsonFileUploadSizeBytesbooleanyes  Whether the maximum JSON file upload size in bytes used.
MaxNumberOfOrganizationsbooleanyes  Is the maximum number of organizations set and used.
MaxOpenSegmentsOnWorkerbooleanyes  Whether the maximum open segments on worker is used.
MaxQueryPenaltyCreditForBlockedQueriesFactorbooleanyes  Is there a maximum query penalty credit for blocked queries.
MaxQueryPollsForWorkerbooleanyes  Is there a maximum query polls for worker.
MinimumHumioVersionbooleanyes  Whether there is a minimum Falcoln LogScale version.
NumberOfDaysToRemoveStaleOrganizationsAfterbooleanyes  Is the number of days after which to remove stale organizations set and used.
ParserThrottlingAllocationFactorbooleanyes  Whether to use the parser throttling allocation factor.
PruneCommunityLockedOrganizationsAfterHoursbooleanyes  Whether to prune community locked organizations after hours.
PruneMissingTOSAcceptanceOrganizationsAfterHoursbooleanyes  Whether to prune missing terms of service acceptance by organizations after hours.
QueryBacktrackingLimitbooleanyes  Whether query back tracking has a limit.
QueryBlockMillisOnHighIngestDelaybooleanyes  Whether query block mill is on high ingest delay.
QueryCoordinatorMaxHeapFractionbooleanyes  Does the query coordinator use maximum heap fraction.
QueryCoordinatorMemoryLimitbooleanyes  Whether the query coordinator has a memory limit.
QueryMemoryLimitbooleanyes  Whether to enforce a query memory limit.
QueryPartitionAutoBalancebooleanyes  Whether to balance automatically a query partition.
QueryResultRowCountLimitbooleanyes  Whether to enforce the query result row count limit.
RdnsDefaultLimitbooleanyes  The RDS default limit.
RdnsMaxLimitbooleanyes  The RDS maximum limit.
RejectIngestOnParserExceedingFractionbooleanyes  Whether to reject ingest on parsers exceeding fraction.
ReplaceANSIEscapeCodesbooleanyes  Whether to replace ANSI escape codes used.
S3ArchivingClusterWideDisabledbooleanyes  Whether to S3 archiving is disabled cluster wide.
S3ArchivingClusterWideEndAtbooleanyes  Whether to S3 archiving is ended at cluster wide.
S3ArchivingClusterWideRegexForRepoNamebooleanyes  Whether to S3 archiving uses regex for repository names cluster wide.
S3ArchivingClusterWideStartFrombooleanyes  Whether to S3 archiving is started from cluster wide.
SampleIntervalForDatasourceRatesbooleanyes  Use a sample interval for datasource rates.
SelfJoinLimitbooleanyes  Whether to permit a self-join limit.
StateRowLimitbooleanyes  Whether to enforce a state row limit.
StaticQueryFractionOfCoresbooleanyes  Whether to use the static query fraction of cores.
TableCacheMaxStorageFractionbooleanyes  Whether the table cache maximum is a storage fraction.
TableCacheMaxStorageFractionForIngestAndHttpOnlybooleanyes  Whether the table cache maximum is only a storage fraction for ingest and HTTP.
TableCacheMemoryAllowanceFractionbooleanyes  Whether the table cache memory allowance is a fraction.
TargetMaxRateForDatasourcebooleanyes  Whether to use the target maximum rate for the datasource.
UnauthenticatedGraphQLSelectionSizeLimitbooleanyes  Whether to use the unauthenticated GraphQL selection size limit.
UndersizedMergingRetentionPercentagebooleanyes  Use the undersized merging retention percentage.