Cluster is a datatype used to provide information about a LogScale cluster.

Table: Cluster

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 24, 2024
clusterInfoAgeSecondsfloatyes The cluster information age in seconds.
clusterManagementSettingsClusterManagementSettingsyes The settings for the LogScale cluster (see See ClusterManagementSettings.
defaultCachePolicyCachePolicyyes The default cache policy. See CachePolicy. Cache policies are a limited preview feature and subject to change.
digestReplicationFactorinteger  The digest replication factor.
inBucketStorageSegmentSizefloatyes The in bucket storage segment size.
ingestPartitions[IngestPartition]yes The ingest partitions. See IngestPartition.
ingestPartitionsWarningsstringyes The ingest partitions warnings. This has been deprecated because the mechanism has been automated, making it irrelevant. It's removed in version 1.148.
missingSegmentSizefloatyes The missing segment size.
nodes[ClusterNode]yes The nodes of the cluster. See ClusterNode.
overReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes The over replicated segment size.
pendingBucketStorageRiskySegmentSizefloatyes The pending bucket storage risky segment size.
pendingBucketStorageSegmentSizefloatyes The pending bucket storage segment size.
properlyReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes The properly replicated segment size.
statsClusterStatsyes The cluster stats. See ClusterStats.
storagePartitions[StoragePartition]yes The storage partitions. This has been deprecated because the mechanism has been automated, making it irrelevant. It's removed in version 1.148.
storagePartitionsWarningsstringyes The storage partitions warnings. This has been deprecated because the mechanism has been automated, making it irrelevant. It's removed in version 1.148.
storageReplicationFactorinteger  The storage replication factor.
suggestedIngestPartitions[IngestPartition]yes The suggested ingest partitions. This has been deprecated because the mechanism has been automated, making it irrelevant. It's removed in version 1.148.
suggestedStoragePartitions[StoragePartition]yes The suggested storage partitions. This has been deprecated because the mechanism has been automated, making it irrelevant. It's removed in version 1.148.
targetMissingSegmentSizefloatyes The target missing segment size.
targetOverReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes The target over replicated segment size.
targetProperlyReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes The target properly replicated segment size.
targetUnderReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes The target under replicated segment size.
underReplicatedSegmentSizefloatyes The under replicated segment size.