The setMinHostAlivePercentageToEnableClusterRebalancing() GraphQL mutation is used to set the percentage of all hosts relevant to a particular cluster rebalance operation that need to be alive before we allow the system to execute automatically the operation to the supplied value. Cluster rebalance operations currently include reassigning digest work, and moving existing segments to balance disk usage.


Below is the syntax for setMinHostAlivePercentageToEnableClusterRebalancing():

      minHostAlivePercentageToEnableClusterRebalancing: integer!
   ): integer!

The mutation field has no special datatypes. It uses integer for both the input and the return datatype.

For the given data, enter the percentage of all hosts relevant to a particular cluster rebalance operation that need to be alive before we allow the system to automatically execute the operation. Cluster rebalance operations currently include reassigning digest work, and moving existing segments to balance disk usage. Must be between 0 and 100, both inclusive.