The createPagerDutyAction() GraphQL mutation may be used to create a PagerDuty action in LogScale.

For more information on creating a PagerDuty action, see the Action Type: PagerDuty documentation page. You may also want to look at the Actions page for related information.


Below is the syntax for the createPagerDutyAction() mutation field:

      input: CreatePagerDutyAction!
   ): PagerDutyAction!

Given Datatypes

For the input createPagerDutyAction(), there are several parameters that may be given. Below is a list of them along with their datatypes and a description of each:

Table: CreatePagerDutyAction

viewNamestringyes Name of the view of the action.
namestringyes Name of the action.
severitystringyes The routing key to authenticate with PagerDuty.
routingKeystringyes Key to authenticate with OpsGenie.
useProxybooleanyes Defines whether the action should use the configured proxy to make web requests.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.

Returned Datatypes

The returned datatype PagerDutyAction has its own parameters. Below is a list of them along with their datatypes and a description of each:

Table: PagerDutyAction

severitystringyes Severity level to give to the message.
routingKeystringyes Routing key to authenticate with PagerDuty.
useProxybooleanyes Defines whether the action should use the configured proxy to make web requests.
namestringyes The name of the action.
displayNamestringyes The display name of the action.
idstringyes The unique identifier of the action.
yamlTemplateYAMLyes A template that can be used to recreate the action.
packagePackageInstallationyes The package, if any, of which the action is part (see PackageInstallation Table).

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.