SortField is an enumerated list of fields by which to sort queries.

Table: SortField

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 16, 2024
Agebooleanyes Whether to sort by age of events.
DeltaLiveCostbooleanyes Whether to sort by change of live cost.
DeltaLiveCPUbooleanyes Whether to sort by change of live CPU.
DeltaStaticCostbooleanyes Whether to sort by change of static cost.
DeltaStaticCPUbooleanyes Whether to sort by change of static CPU.
DeltaTotalCostbooleanyes Whether to sort by change of total cost.
DeltaTotalMemoryAllocationbooleanyes Whether to sort by change in total memory allocation.
InitiatedBybooleanyes Whether to sort by which user or entity initiated.
LiveCostbooleanyes Whether to sort by live cost.
StaticCostbooleanyes Whether to sort by change of total cost.
Statusbooleanyes Whether to sort by event status.
TotalCostbooleanyes Whether to sort by total cost.
TotalLiveCPUbooleanyes Whether to sort by total live CPU.
TotalMemoryAllocationbooleanyes Whether to sort by total memory allocation.
TotalStaticCPUbooleanyes Whether to sort by total static CPU.
Viewbooleanyes Whether to sort by view.