SystemPermission is an enumerated list of system permissions.

Table: SystemPermission

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 16, 2024
ChangeBucketStorageboolean   Whether to allow the user to change bucket storage.
ChangeFeatureFlagsboolean   Whether to allow the user to change feature flags.
ChangeSubdomainsboolean   Whether to allow a change of sub-domains for the account.
ChangeSystemPermissionsboolean   Whether to allow the user to change system permissions.
ChangeUsernameboolean   Whether to permit the user to change their user name.
DeleteHumioOwnedRepositoryOrViewboolean   Whether to allow the user to delete LogScale owned repositories or views from the account.
DeleteOrganizationsboolean   Whether to allow the user to delete organizations.
ImportOrganizationboolean   Whether to allow permission to important organization information.
IngestAcrossAllReposWithinClusterboolean   Whether to allow ingest across all repositories within clusters.
ListSubdomainsboolean   Whether to allow the user to get a list of sub-domains.
ManageClusterboolean   Whether to give permission to manage clusters.
ManageOrganizationLinksboolean   Whether to allow managing of organization links.
ManageOrganizationsboolean   Whether to allow managing of organizations.
PatchGlobalboolean   Whether to enable access to the global patch API.
ReadHealthCheckboolean   Whether to allow reading of health checks.
ViewOrganizationsboolean   Whether to allow viewing of list of organizations.