The enableFeatureForUser() GraphQL mutation may be used to enable a feature for a specific user in LogScale. To enable a feature for an organizaiton, use enableFeatureForOrg() .

For more information on enabling and disabling features, see the Enabling & Disabling Feature Flags reference page.


Below is the syntax for the enableFeatureForUser() mutation field:

      feature: FeatureFlag!
      userId: string!
   ): boolean!

Given Datatypes

For the given datatype, FeatureFlag, there are several parameters that may be given. Below is a list of them along with their datatypes and a description of each:

Table: FeatureFlag

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
AlternateQueryMergeTargetHandlingboolean  Allow alternate query merge target handling.
ArrayFunctionsboolean  Enable ArrayFunctions in query language.
AzureBlobStorageboolean  Enables support for Azure Blob Storage.
CachePoliciesboolean  Prioritize newer over older segments.
CancelQueriesExceedingAggregateOutputRowLimitboolean  When enabled, queries exceeding the AggregatorOutputRowLimit will be cancelled instead of being logged.
CookieAuthServerSidedatetime  Authenticate cookies server-side.
CustomIngestTokensboolean  Enable custom ingest tokens not generated by LogScale.
DefaultRolesForGroupsboolean  Assign default roles for groups.
DerivedCidTagboolean  Permit derived CID tag.
ExportToBucketboolean  Export data to bucket storage.
ExternalFunctionsboolean  External Functions.
FalconDataConnectorboolean  Uses the Falcon data connector.
FieldAliasingboolean  Allow field aiasing.
FleetCollectorDebugLoggingboolean  Enables fleet management collector debug logging.
FleetCollectorMetricsboolean  Enables fleet management collector metrics.
FleetEphemeralHostsboolean  Use Fleet ephemeral hosts.
FleetLabelsboolean  Allow Fleet Management labels.
FleetRemoteUpdatesboolean  Fleet remote updates features.
FlightControlboolean  Enable Flight Control support in cluster.
GeographyFunctionsboolean  Enable geography functions in query language.
GraphQueriesboolean  Enables graph queries.
LiveTablesboolean  Allow use of live tables.
LogAverageUsageboolean  Enables UsageJob to log average usage as part of usage log.
LoginBridgeboolean  Enable login bridge.
MacosInstallerForLogCollectorboolean  Enables download of macos installer for logcollector through fleet management.
ManagedRepositoriesboolean  Enable LogScale Managed repositories. The customer is not permitted to change certain configurations in a LogScale Managed repository.
ManagedRepositoriesAllowFDRConfigboolean  Allow users to configure FDR feeds for managed repositories.
MeasureNewSegmentFileFormatboolean  When using the new segment file format on write, also do the old solely for comparison.
MitreDetectionAnnotationboolean  Enable Mitre detection annotation.
MultiClusterSearchboolean  Enable searching across LogScale clusters.
MultipleViewRoleBindingsboolean  Enable multiple view role bindings.
NewOrganizationLimitsboolean  Use new organization limits.
NoCurrentsForBucketSegmentsboolean  Disable currents for Bucket segments.
OneToManyGroupSynchronizationboolean  Enables mapping one group to more than one LogScale group with the same lookup name during group synchronization.
OrganizationSecurityPoliciesboolean  Enable organization level security policies. For instance the ability to enable only certain action types.
PermissionTokensboolean  Enable permission tokens.
PreMergeMiniSegmentsboolean  Pre-merge mini-segments.
QueryAssistantboolean  Enable the LogScale Query Assistant.
QueryBacktrackingLimitboolean  Limit query backtracking.
RepeatingQueriesboolean  Whether the queries are repeating.
SleepFunctionboolean  Flag for testing, does nothing.
SubdomainForOrganizationsboolean  Enable subdomains for current cluster.
UsagePageUsingIngestAfterFieldRemovalSizeboolean  The UsagePage shows data from ingestAfterFieldRemovalSize instead of segmentWriteBytes.
WriteNewSegmentFileFormatboolean  Allow writing in new segment file format.