The meta() GraphQL query will return information about the LogScale instance.

For information on clusters, see the Cluster Management documentation page. You may also want to look at the LogScale Logical Architecture page in the Training section.


Below is the syntax for the meta() query field:

meta: HumioMetadata!

Given Datatypes

For the given datatype, HumioMetadata, there are several parameters that may be given. Below is a list of them along with their datatypes and a description of each:

Table: HumioMetadata

isFeatureFlagEnabled(feature: FeatureFlag): booleanyes Returns enabled features that are likely in beta (see FeatureFlag Table).
externalPermissionsbooleanyes Whether there are external permissions.
versionstringyes The version of Falcon LogScale.
isClusterBeingUpdatedbooleanyes Whether the cluster is being updated, based on differences in the cluster node versions. This is an experimental field used to improve the user experience during cluster upgrades.
minimumNodeVersionstringyes The lowest detected node version in the cluster. This is an experimental field used to improve the user experience during cluster upgrades.
environmentEnvironmentTypeyes The type of environment on which LogScale is running: ON_PREM, ON_CLOUD, or ON_COMMUNITY
clusterIdstringyes The unique identifier of the cluster.
falconDataConnectorUrlstring  The URL of the Falcon data connector.
regions[RegionSelectData]yes The name and URL for the region (see RegionSelectData Table).
awsRegions[string]yes A list of supported AWS regions. This is an experimental feature. It's not ready for production.
ingestFeedAwsRoleArn[string]yes Cluster AWS IAM role arn (i.e., Amazon Resource Name) used to assume role for ingest feeds. This is an experimental feature. It's not ready for production.
awsIngestFeedsConfigurationStatusstring  The configuration status for AWS ingest feeds. This is an experimental feature. It's not ready for production.
sharedDashboardsEnabledbooleanyes Whether the shared dashboards are enabled.
personalUserTokensEnabledbooleanyes Whether the personal user tokens are enabled.
globalAllowListEmailActionsEnabledbooleanyes Whether the global allow list email actions are enabled.
isAutomaticUpdateCheckingEnabledbooleanyes Whether automatic update checking enabled.
authenticationMethodstringyes The authentication method used for the cluster node.
organizationMultiModebooleanyes Whether the organization is using multi-mode.
organizationModeOrganizationModeyes Whether the organization mode used. This is an enumerated list of choices: Single, Multi, MultiV2.
sandboxesEnabledbooleanyes Whether sandbox repositories are enabled.
externalGroupSynchronizationbooleanyes Whether external group synchronization is enabled.
allowActionsNotUseProxybooleanyes The value of HTTP_PROXY_ALLOW_ACTIONS_NOT_USE.
isUsingSmtpbooleanyes Whether LogScale is using SMTP.
isPendingUsersEnabledbooleanyes Whether allowing pending users is enabled.
scheduledSearchMaxBackfillLimitintegeryes The value of SCHEDULED_SEARCH_BACKFILL_LIMIT.
isExternalManagedbooleanyes Whether the account is externally managed.
isApiExplorerEnabledbooleanyes Whether the API Explorer is enabled.
eulaUrlstringyes The URL for where the End-User License Agreement can be found.
deleteBackupAfterlongyes The time in ms after which a repository has been marked for deletion it will no longer be restorable.
filterAlertConfigFilterAlertConfigyes The configuration for filter alerts (see FilterAlertConfig Table). This is deprecated and is no longer used internally. It will be removed in version 1.142.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.