The KafkaClusterDescription datatype includes various settings.

Table: KafkaClusterDescription

clusterIDstringyes The unique identifier of the cluster.
nodes[KafkaNode]yes The list of Kafka nodes in the cluster (see KafkaNode Table).
controllerKafkaNodeyes The Kafka node that is the controller of the cluster (see KafkaNode Table).
logDirDescriptions[KafkaLogDir]yes Descriptons of the Kafka log directories (see KafkaLogDir Table).
globalEventsTopicKafkaTopicDescriptionyes The global Kafka events topic (see KafkaTopicDescription Table).
ingestTopicKafkaTopicDescriptionyes A description of the Kafka ingest topic (see KafkaTopicDescription Table).
chatterTopicKafkaTopicDescriptionyes Any chatter topic associated with the Kafka cluster (see KafkaTopicDescription Table).

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.