API Stability Short-Term

The publishLogCollectorConfiguration() GraphQL mutation is used to update a Log Collector configuration.


Below is the syntax for the publishLogCollectorConfiguration() mutation field:

       id: string!, 
       yaml: string, 
       currentVersion: integer!
    ): LogCollectorConfiguration!

Below is an example of how this mutation field might be used:

mutation {
      id: "12345",
      currentVersion: 1
  { name, modifiedAt }

Returned Datatypes

For LogCollectorConfiguration, there are several parameters. They're described below:

Table: LogCollectorConfiguration

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 26, 2024
descriptionstring  Short-TermA description of the Log Collector configuration.
draftstring  Short-TermThe configuration draft.
draftModifiedAtdatetimeyes Short-TermThe date and time of the last draft of the configuration.
idstringyes Short-TermThe unique identifier for the log collector configuration.
instancesintegeryes Short-TermThe number of instances.
isTestRunningbooleanyes Short-TermWhether a test is running.
modifiedAtdatetimeyes Short-TermThe date and time of the current configuration.
modifiedBystringyes Short-TermWho last modified the configuration.
namestringyes Short-TermThe name assigned to the log collector configuration.
versionintegeryes Short-TermThe version used.
yamlstring  Short-TermConfiguration in YAML format.
yamlCharactersCountintegeryes Short-TermThe YAML character count.