The Searchdomain interface includes various settings.

Table: Searchdomain

idstringyes The unique identifier for the search domain.
nameRepoOrViewNameyes The name of the search domain. The type, RepoOrViewName is a scalar.
descriptionstring  A description of the search domain.
deletedDatelong  The point in time the search domain was marked for deletion.
permanentlyDeletedAtlong  The point in time the search domain will not be restorable anymore.
isStarredbooleanyes Whether the search domain is highlighted with a star.
package(packageId: VersionedPackageSpecifier!): RegistryPackageyes Returns a specific version of a package given a package version. This is a scalar value. However, it has been deprecated since September 3, 2021. This field returns a type with an interface that is being removed. Use instead package2.
packageV2(packageId: VersionedPackageSpecifier): Package2yes Returns a specific version of a package given a package version. This is a scalar value. Returns [Package2]. See the [Package2] table.
packageVersions(packageId: UnversionedPackageSpecifier): [RegistryPackageVersionInfo]yes The available versions of a package. This is a scalar. Preview: This may be moved to the Package2 object.
availablePackagesAvailablePackagesyes Returns a list of available packages that can be installed. See SearchDomain-AvailablePackages Table.
installedPackages[PackageInstallation]yes List packages installed on a specific view or repository (see PackageInstallation Table).
hasPackageInstalled(packageId: VersionedPackageSpecifier): booleanyes This is a scalar value.
defaultQuerySavedQueryyes The default query used for the search domain when none is selected (see SavedQuery Table).
users[User]yes Users who have access to the search domain.
usersandgroups(search: string, skip: integer = n, limit: integer = n): UsersAndGroupsSearchResultSetyes Users and groups associated with the search domain. See SearchDomain-UsersAndGroups Table.
groups[Group]yes Groups with assigned roles (see Group Table).
starredFields[string]yes All fields in the search domain to mark with a star.
recentQueriesJSONyes This parameter has been deprecated since April 23, 2021. It used internal JSON structure generated in the User Interface. Use instead recentQueriesV2.
recentQueriesV2[RecentQuery]yes All recent queries for the search domain (see RecentQuery Table).
automaticSearchbooleanyes Whether to execute automatically the default search query.
files[File]yes Files belonging to the search domain. See File Table.
fileFieldSearchstringyes Field search string for files. Returns [DictionaryEntryType]. See the SearchDomainfileFieldSearch Table.
isActionAllowed(action: ViewAction): booleanyes Check if the current user is allowed to perform the given action on the view.
allowedViewActions[ViewAction]yes Returns the all actions the user is allowed to perform on the view (see ViewAction Table).
permissionsViewPermissionsTypeyes See ViewPermissionsType Table. This has been deprecated since April 6, 20226. These are separate from actual permissions in LogScale. Use instead isActionAllowed.
viewerQueryPrefixstringyes The query prefix prepended to each search in this domain.
dashboards[Dashboard]yes All dashboards available on the view (see Dashboard Table).
dashboard(id: string): Dashboardyes The default or initial Dashboard to use (see Dashboard Table).
queries[SavedQuery]yes Saved Queries stored on the entity (see SavedQuery Table). This has been deprecated since March 3, 2021. This field is duplicated. Use instead savedQueries.
tags[string]yes All tags from all datasources.
aggregateAlert(id: string): AggregateAlertyes A saved aggregate alert (see AggregateAlert Table).
aggregateAlerts[AggregateAlert]yes A list of saved aggregate alerts (see AggregateAlert Table).
alert(id: string): Alertyes A saved alert. Returns Alert (see Alert Table).
alerts[Alert]yes Saved alerts (see Alert Table).
savedQuery(id: string): SavedQueryyes A saved query. Returns SavedQuery (see SavedQuery Table).
savedQueries[SavedQuery]yes The saved queries (see SavedQuery Table).
scheduledSearch(id: string): ScheduledSearchyes A saved scheduled search. Returns ScheduledSearch (see ScheduledSearch Table).
scheduledSearches[ScheduledSearch]yes The scheduled searches to use with the search domain (see ScheduledSearch Table).
assets(assetType: AssetType): [Asset]yes Returns a list of assets. Filter asset type to limit the returned assets. Returns Asset. See AssetType and Asset Tables.
action(id: string): Actionyes A saved action. Returns Action (see Action Table).
actionsActionyes A list of saved actions (see Action Table).

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.