
The updateFleetInstallTokenConfigId() GraphQL mutation may be used to change the unique identifier of a Fleet installation configuration token.


Below is the syntax for the updateFleetInstallTokenConfigId() mutation field:

      token: string!,
      name: string
   ): FleetInstallationToken!

Returned Datatypes

As indicated by the syntax above, this mutation will return the token using the datatype, FleetInstallationToken. Below is a list of the parameters of that datatype:

Table: FleetInstallationToken

tokenstringyes The Fleet installation token used.
namestringyes The name of the Fleet installation token.
assignedConfigurationLogCollectorConfiguration  The assigned configuration (see LogCollectorConfiguration Table).
installationCommandsLogCollectorInstallCommandyes The installation commands (see LogCollectorInstallCommand Table).

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.