API Stability Long-Term

The renameSearchDomainById() GraphQL mutation is used to rename a repository or a view.


Below is the syntax for the renameSearchDomainById() mutation field:

       input: RenameSearchDomainByIdInput!
    ): SearchDomain!

Below is an example of how this mutation field might be used:

mutation {
    { id: "bbuyczAwK3XOubBhZPo2FTZ9",
      newName: "myDomain"
    } ) 
    { id } 
Example Responses
  "data": {
    "renameSearchDomainById": {
      "id": "bbuyczAwK3XOubBhZPo2FTZ9"

Given Data Types

RenameSearchDomainByIdInput has a few parameters. They're listed below with a description of each:

Table: RenameSearchDomainByIdInput

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 19, 2024
idstringyes  The unique identifier of the search domain to rename.
newNamestringyes  The new name of the search domain.
renameMessagestring   An optional message as to why the search domain was renamed. Will be added to the audit log.

Returned Data Types

For searchDomain, there are several parameters that may be given. They're listed in the table below with a description of each:

Table: SearchDomain

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Mar 27, 2025
actionmultipleyes Long-TermA saved action. The multiple datatype consists of (id: string): Action. See Action.
actionsActionyes Long-TermA list of saved actions. See Action.
aggregateAlertmultipleyes Long-TermA saved aggregate alert. The multiple datatype consists of (id: string): AggregateAlert. See AggregateAlert.
aggregateAlerts[AggregateAlert]yes Long-TermA list of saved aggregate alerts. See AggregateAlert.
alertmultipleyes Long-TermA saved alert. The multiple datatype consists of (id: string): Alert. See Alert.
alerts[Alert]yes Long-TermSaved alerts. See Alert.
allowedViewActions[ViewAction]yes Long-TermReturns the all actions the user is allowed to perform on the view. See ViewAction.
automaticSearchbooleanyes Long-TermWhether to execute automatically the default search query.
availablePackagesmultipleyes Long-TermReturns a list of available packages that can be installed. The multiple datatype consists of (filter: string, tags: [PackageTag], categories: [string]): [PackageRegistrySearchResultItem]. PackageTag is a scalar. See PackageRegistrySearchResultItem.
dashboardmultipleyes Long-TermThe default or initial Dashboard to use. The multiple datatype consists of (id: string): Dashboard. See Dashboard).
dashboards[Dashboard]yes Long-TermAll dashboards available on the view. See Dashboard.
defaultQuerySavedQueryyes Long-TermThe default query used for the search domain when none is selected. See SavedQuery.
deletedDatelong  Long-TermThe point in time the search domain was marked for deletion.
descriptionstring  Long-TermA description of the search domain.
fileFieldSearchmultipleyes Long-TermUsed to search fields in a CSV or JSON file. The multiple datatype consists of fileFieldSearch(fileName: string, fieldName: string, prefixFilter: string, valueFilters: [FileFieldFilterType], fieldsToInclude: [string], maxEntries: integer): [[DictionaryEntryType]]. See FileFieldFilterType and DictionaryEntryType.
files[File]yes Long-TermFiles belonging to the search domain. See File.
filterAlertmultipleyes Long-TermA saved filter alert. The multiple datatype consists of (id: string): FilterAlert. See FilterAlert.
filterAlerts[FilterAlert]yes Long-TermSaved filter alerts. See FilterAlert.
groups[Group]yes Long-TermGroups with assigned roles. See Group.
hasPackageInstalledmultipleyes Long-TermWhether there is an installed package. The multiple datatype consists of (packageId: VersionedPackageSpecifier): boolean. VersionedPackageSpecifier is a scalar.
idstringyes Long-TermThe unique identifier for the search domain.
installedPackages[PackageInstallation]yes Long-TermList packages installed on a specific view or repository. See PackageInstallation.
interactions[ViewInteraction]yes Long-TermAll interactions defined on the view. See ViewInteraction.
isActionAllowedmultipleyes Long-TermWhether the current user is allowed to perform the action. The multiple datatype consists of (action: ViewAction): boolean. See ViewAction.
isStarredbooleanyes Long-TermWhether the search domain is highlighted with a star.
nameRepoOrViewNameyes Long-TermThe name of the search domain. RepoOrViewName is a scalar.
packageV2multipleyes Long-TermReturns a specific version of a package given a package version. The multiple datatype consists of (packageId: VersionedPackageSpecifier): Package2. VersionedPackageSpecifier is a scalar value. See Package2.
permanentlyDeletedAtlong  Long-TermThe point in time the search domain will not be restorable anymore.
recentQueriesV2[RecentQuery]yes Long-TermAll recent queries for the search domain. See RecentQuery.
reposExcludedInSearchLimit[string]yes Long-TermRepositories not part of the search limitation.
resourcestringyes Short-TermThe resource identifier for the search domain.
savedQueries[SavedQuery]yes Long-TermThe saved queries. See SavedQuery.
savedQuerymultipleyes Long-TermA saved query. The multiple datatype consists of (id: string): SavedQuery. SavedQuery).
scheduledReportmultipleyes Long-TermA saved scheduled report. The multiple datatype consists of (id: string): ScheduledReport. See ScheduledReport.
scheduledReports[ScheduledReport]yes Long-TermSaved scheduled reports. See ScheduledReport.
scheduledSearchmultipleyes Long-TermA saved scheduled search. The multiple datatype consists of (id: string): ScheduledSearch. See ScheduledSearch).
scheduledSearches[ScheduledSearch]yes Long-TermThe scheduled searches to use with the search domain. See ScheduledSearch.
searchLimitedMslong  Long-TermLimit in milliseconds to which searches should are limited.
starredFields[string]yes Long-TermAll fields in the search domain to mark with a star.
tags[string]yes Long-TermAll tags from all datasources.
users[User]yes Long-TermUsers who have access to the search domain. See User.
usersandgroupsmultipleyes Long-TermUsers and groups associated with the search domain. The multiple datatype consists of (search: string, skip: integer, limit: integer): UsersAndGroupsSearchResultSet. See UsersAndGroupsSearchResultSet.
usersV2multipleyes Preview

Search users with a given permission, whose email or name matches this search string.

The multiple datatype consists of (search: string, permissionFilter: Permission, skip: integer, limit: integer): Users.

See Permission and Users.

viewerQueryPrefixstringyes Long-TermThe query prefix prepended to each search in this domain.