ReasonsNodeCannotBeSafelyUnregistered is a datatype for a map from reasons why a node might not be able to be unregistered safely, to the boolean value indicating whether a given reason applies to this node. For a node to be unregistered without any undue disruption, none of the reasons must apply.

Table: ReasonsNodeCannotBeSafelyUnregistered

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Oct 3, 2024
hasDataThatExistsOnlyOnThisNodebooleanyes Whether node has data that exists only on it.
hasUnderReplicatedDatabooleanyes Whether node has under replicated data.
isAlivebooleanyes Whether node is live.
leadsDigestbooleanyes Whether node leads digest.