Data for creating an ingest feed that uses AWS S3 and SQS.

The CreateAwsS3SqsIngestFeed datatype includes various settings.

Table: CreateAwsS3SqsIngestFeed

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 17, 2024
authenticationIngestFeedAwsAuthenticationInputyes How to authenticate to AWS. See IngestFeedAwsAuthenticationInput.
compressionIngestFeedCompressionyes Compression scheme of the file. See IngestFeedCompression.
descriptionUpdateIngestFeedDescription  The description of the ingest feed. See UpdateIngestFeedDescription.
enabledbooleanyes Whether ingest from the ingest feed is enabled.
namestringyes The name of the ingest feed.
parserstringyes The unique identifier or name of the parser that should be used to parse the ingest feed. Parsers in packages can be referred to as packagescope/packagename:parsername.
preprocessingIngestFeedPreprocessingInputyes The preprocessing to apply to an ingest feed before parsing. See IngestFeedPreprocessingInput.
regionstringyes The AWS region in which to connect.
repositoryNameRepoOrViewNameyes Name of the repository of the ingest feed. RepoOrViewName is a scalar.
sqsUrlstringyes The AWS SQS queue URL.