Permission is an enumerated list of permissions for changing and deleting assets in a view.

Table: Permission

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 16, 2024
ChangeActionsbooleanyes  Permission to administer action.
ChangeConnectionsbooleanyes  Allows changing connections for a view or repository.
ChangeDashboardReadonlyTokenbooleanyes  Allow users to change dashboard read-only token.
ChangeDashboardsbooleanyes  Allow creating and updating dashboards.
ChangeDataDeletionPermissionsbooleanyes  Special permission needed to be able to assign the permissions (DeleteEvents, DeleteDataSources, DeleteRepositoryOrView and ChangeRetention).
ChangeDefaultSearchSettingsbooleanyes  Allow editing the default search query and time interval.
ChangeFdrFeedsbooleanyes  Allow the user to change FDR feeds.
ChangeFilesbooleanyes  Allow updating uploaded CSV files.
ChangeIngestFeedsbooleanyes  Whether the user may change ingest feeds.
ChangeIngestTokensbooleanyes  Allow creating and editing ingest tokens.
ChangeInteractionsbooleanyes  Allow changing of interactions.
ChangePackagesbooleanyes  Allow installing packages etc.
ChangeParsersbooleanyes  Allow creating and updating parsers.
ChangeRetentionbooleanyes  Allow changing retention on a repository.
ChangeS3ArchivingSettingsbooleanyes  Allow editing the configuration for S3 archiving.
ChangeSavedQueriesbooleanyes  Allow updating saved queries.
ChangeScheduledReportsbooleanyes  Permission to change scheduled reports.
ChangeTriggersbooleanyes  Permission to administer alerts and scheduled searches.
ChangeUserAccessbooleanyes  Allow adding or removing existing users or groups to the view or repository.
ChangeViewOrRepositoryDescriptionbooleanyes  Allow the change of view or repository descriptions.
ChangeViewOrRepositoryPermissionsbooleanyes  Allow the user to change the permissions for views and repositories.
ConnectViewbooleanyes  Allow creation of views that involve connecting to this repository.
CreateActionsbooleanyes  Permission to create action.
CreateDashboardsbooleanyes  Allow creating and updating dashboards.
CreateFilesbooleanyes  Allow creating uploaded CSV files.
CreateSavedQueriesbooleanyes  Allow creating saved queries.
CreateScheduledReportsbooleanyes  Permission to create scheduled reports.
CreateTriggersbooleanyes  Permission to create alerts and scheduled searches.
DeleteActionsbooleanyes  Permission to delete actions.
DeleteDashboardsbooleanyes  Permission to delete dashboards.
DeleteDataSourcesbooleanyes  Allow deleting individual data sources in a repository.
DeleteEventsbooleanyes  The ability to be able to delete events.
DeleteFilesbooleanyes  Permission to delete files.
DeleteRepositoryOrViewbooleanyes  Allow deletion of repositories and views.
DeleteSavedQueriesbooleanyes  Permission to delete saved queries.
DeleteScheduledReportsbooleanyes  Permission to delete schedule reports.
DeleteTriggersbooleanyes  Permission to delete triggers.
EventForwardingbooleanyes  Permission to administer event forwarding rules.
OrganizationOwnedQueriesbooleanyes  Allow for organization owned queries.
QueryDashboardbooleanyes  Allow a dashboard to be queries.
ReadAccessbooleanyes  Permit read only access.
ReadExternalFunctionsbooleanyes  Whether external functions may be read.
UpdateActionsbooleanyes  Permission to update actions.
UpdateDashboardsbooleanyes  Permission to update dashboards.
UpdateFilesbooleanyes  Permission to update files.
UpdateSavedQueriesbooleanyes  Permission to update saved queries.
UpdateScheduledReportsbooleanyes  Permission to update scheduled reports.
UpdateTriggersbooleanyes  Permission to update triggers.