API Stability Long-Term

The removeOrganizationBucketConfig() GraphQL mutation is used to remove the bucket configuration for the organization.


Below is the syntax for the removeOrganizationBucketConfig() mutation field:

removeOrganizationBucketConfig: Organization!

Below is an example of how this mutation field might be used:

mutation {
  { id }

Given Datatypes

For Organization, there are several parameters that may be given. Below is a list of them along with a description of each:

Table: Organization

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 27, 2024
cidstring  Short-TermThe CID corresponding to the organization.
configsOrganizationConfigsyes Short-TermOrganization configurations and settings. See OrganizationDetails.
createdAtlong  Short-TermDate organization was created.
defaultCachePolicyCachePolicy  PreviewThe default cache policy of the organization. See CachePolicy. This is a preview and subject to change.
descriptionstring  Short-TermThe description for the Organization. Can be null.
detailsOrganizationDetailsyes Short-TermAny additional details related to the organization. See OrganizationDetails.
externalGroupSynchronizationbooleanyes Short-TermWhether there is group synchronization.
externalPermissionsbooleanyes Short-TermWhether permissions are managed externally.
idstringyes Short-TermThe unique id for the Organization.
ingestUrlstring  Short-TermThe ingest URL for the organization.
isActionAllowedmultipleyes Short-TermCheck if user has a permission in organization. The datatype consists of (action: OrganizationAction): boolean. For OrganizationAction, give the action to check if a user is allowed to perform on the organization. See OrganizationAction.
limits[Limit]yes Short-TermLimits assigned to the organization. See Limit.
limitsV2[LimitV2]yes Short-TermLimits assigned to the organization. See LimitV2.
namestringyes Short-TermThe name for the Organization.
publicUrlstring  Short-TermThe public URL for the organization.
readonlyDashboardIPFilterstring  Short-TermIP filter for readonly dashboard links.
searchDomains[SearchDomain]yes Short-TermSearch domains within the organization. See SearchDomain.
statsOrganizationStatsyes Short-TermStatistics of the organization. See OrganizationStats.
trialStartedAtlong  Short-TermDate organization's trial started.