The AddLimitV2Input input includes various settings.

Table: AddLimitV2Input

limitNamestringyes The name of the limit to add.
allowLoginbooleanyes Whether the limit allows logging in.
dailyIngestlong  The daily ingest allowed for the limit.
dailyIngestContractualTypeOrganizations__ContractualTypeyes The daily ingest contractual type. This datatype is an enumerated list. The choices are Limited, Unlimited, and Ignored.
storageContractualTypeOrganizations__ContractualTypeyes The storage contratual type. See the previous item for the enumerated list of choices.
dailyScanContractualTypeOrganizations__ContractualTypeyes The daily scan contratual type. See the previous item for the enumerated list of choices.
measurementTypeOrganizations__MeasurementTypeyes The measurement type. This datatype is an enumerated list. The choices are SegmentWriteSize and ProcessedEventsSize.
dailyScanlong  The daily scan.
retentionintegeryes The retention in days allowed for the limit.
maxRetentionintegeryes Maximum amount of retention.
allowSelfServicebooleanyes Whether the limit allows self-service.
expirationlong  The expiration date for the limit.
userLimitinteger  The limit for users.
dateTypestringyes The data type.
trialbooleanyes Whether it's subject to trial.
allowFlightControlbooleanyes Whether flight control is allowed.
repositoryLimitinteger  The repository limit.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.