API StabilityLong-term

The CreateFilterAlert input includes various settings.

Table: CreateFilterAlert

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 17, 2024
actionIdsOrNames[string]yes List of unique identifiers or names for actions to fire on query result. Actions in packages can be referred to as packagescope/packagename:actionname.
descriptionstringyes Description of the filter alert.
enabledboolean  Flag indicating whether the filter alert is enabled.
labels[string]yes Labels attached to the filter alert.
namestringyes Name of the filter alert.
queryOwnershipTypeQueryOwnershipTypeyes Ownership of the query run by this filter alert. If value is User, ownership will be based on the runAsUserId field. See QueryOwnershipType.
queryStringstringyes LogScale query to execute.
runAsUserIdstring  The filter alert will run with the permissions of the user corresponding to this id if the queryOwnershipType field is set to User. If the queryOwnershipType is set to Organization, whilst runAsUserId is set, this will result in an error. If not specified, the filter alert will run with the permissions of the calling user. It requires the 'ChangeTriggersToRunAsOtherUsers' permission to set this field to a user id different from the calling user.
throttleFieldstring  A field to throttle on. Can only be set if throttleTimeSeconds is set.
throttleTimeSecondslong  Throttle time in seconds.
viewNameRepoOrViewNameyes Name of the view of the filter alert. RepoOrViewName is a scalar.