
The updateLoginBridge() GraphQL mutation is used to update settings for the login bridge.


Below is the syntax for the updateLoginBridge() mutation field:

      input: LoginBridgeUpdateInput!
   ): LoginBridge!

Given Datatypes

For the input (i.e., LoginBridgeUpdateInput), there are several parameters that may be given. Below is a list of them along with their datatype and a description of each:

Table: LoginBridgeUpdateInput

namestring  The name of the login bridge to update.
descriptionstring  A description of the login bridge to update.
issuerstring  The issuer to update.
remoteIdstring  The remote unique identifier of the login bridge.
loginUrlstring  The URL of the login bridge.
relayStateUrlstring  The relay state URL.
samlEntityIdstring  The unique identifier of the SAML entity.
privateSamlCertificatestring  The private SAML certificate.
publicSamlCertificatestring  The publlic SAML certificate.
allowedUsers[string]yes A list of users allowed to access the bridge.
groupAttributestring  The group attributes.
groups[string]yes Any groups associated with the login bridge.
organizationIdAttributeNamestring  The organization's unique identifier of the attribute name.
additionalAttributesstring  Any additional attributes.
organizationNameAttributestring  The organization's name of the attribute.
generateUserNameboolean  Whether to generate user names.
termsDescriptionstring  A description of the terms.
termsLinkstring  A link to the terms and conditions.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.

Returned Datatypes

The returned datatype LoginBridge has its own parameters. Below is a list of them along with their datatypes and a description of each:

Table: LoginBridge

namestringyes The name of the login bridge.
issuerstringyes The issuer of the login bridge.
descriptionstringyes A description of the login bridge.
remoteIdstringyes The unique identifier of the remote connection.
loginUrlstringyes The URL for logging in.
relayStateUUrlstringyes The relay state URL.
samlEntityIdstringyes The unique identifier of the SAML entity.
publicSamlCertificatestringyes The publlic SAML certificate.
groupAttributestringyes Any group attributes.
organizationIdAttributeNamestringyes The organization's unique identifier of the attribute name.
organizationNameAttributeNamestring  The organization's name of the attribute name.
additionalAttributesstring  Any additional attributes.
groups[string]yes Any groups associated with the login bridge.
allowedUsers[User]yes A list of users allowed to access the bridge.
generateUserNamebooleanyes Whether to generate user names.
termsDescriptionstringyes A description of the terms.
termsLinkstringyes A link to the terms and conditions.
showTermsAndConditionsbooleanyes Whether to show the terms and conditions.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.