PackageInstallation is a datatype for information about a package installation.

Table: PackageInstallation

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 27, 2024
availableUpdatePackageVersion  Version of package available for updating. PackageVersion is a scalar.
idVersionedPackageSpecifieryes The identifier for the package and version. VersionedPackageSpecifier is a scalar.
installedByUserAndTimestampyes The user identifier and time stamp for installation. See UserAndTimestamp.
packagePackage2yes Designate a LogScale package. See Package2.
sourcePackageInstallationSourceTypeyes Finds updates on a package. Looks also for updates installed manually. See PackageInstallationSourceType.
updatedByUserAndTimestampyes The user and time stamp for the user that updated the package. See UserAndTimestamp.