The AnalyticsLogWithTimestamp input includes various settings.

Table: AnalyticsLogWithTimestamp

Some arguments may be required, as indicated in the Required column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for this column.
Table last updated: Sep 17, 2024
actionstringyes The action to take related to the event.
arguments[string]yes Any arguments passed for the analytics.
contextstringyes The context of the analytics.
eventIdstringyes The unique identifier of the event.
featurestring  Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
features[AnalyticsFeature]yes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon. See AnalyticsFeature.
metricsAnalyticsMetricsyes The frames per second to use for the analytics metrics. See AnalyticsMetrics.
routestringyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
systemstringyes Our GraphQL pages are currently under development. This description will be added or changed soon.
timestamplongyes The date and time stamp of the event.
userAgentAnalyticsUserAgentyes The browser, device type, and other information for the analytics. See AnalyticsUserAgent.